Last call for our Beltane May Day Yarn Box! Sign ups close on Friday.
#yarn #knitting #crochet #beltane #mayday #indieyarndyer #indieyarn #handdyedyarn #handdyed #pagan #thewheeloftheyear
#yarn #knitting #crochet #beltane #mayday #indieyarndyer #indieyarn #handdyedyarn #handdyed #pagan #thewheeloftheyear
Last call for the Spring Equinox Yarn Box - sign ups close tomorrow (Monday March 6th).
Visit to fond out more.
#yarn #knitting #crochet #festival #pagan #spring #equinox #thewheeloftheyear
#yarn #knitting #crochet #festival #pagan #spring #equinox #thewheeloftheyear
Check out my blog from the community garden I run for a local homeless charity. I post approx fortnightly about our allotment plots, forest skills, wildlife garden, seasonal celebrations (all photos/ names of group members are used with permission) #HorticultureTherapy #SocialAndTherapeuticHorticulture #CommunityGarden #CommunityGardening #Community #HomelessCommunity #HomelessCommunityGarden #Homeless #MutualAid #GrowingTogether #TheWheelOfTheYear #Imbolc
#horticulturetherapy #socialandtherapeutichorticulture #communitygarden #communitygardening #community #homelesscommunity #homelesscommunitygarden #homeless #mutualaid #growingtogether #thewheeloftheyear #imbolc