1/ 🧵 /Eat More Vegan/ Annie Rigg
Following on from the vegetarian cookbook #TheWholeVegetable, is a recently published one that ups the ante to #vegan status.
Eat More Vegan, by Annie Rigg (Make sure you pick up the correct book - there are others with this title)
Published: 2023
Pages: 176
Publisher: Pavilion GB
Price: around $35AU, but look around as prices vary. An eBook is available.
Recipes: 80, all of which are vegan, vegetarian and egg-free.
Annie has written over 15 cookbooks including #EatMoreVeg, a companion book to this one. The dishes in this book take inspiration from all over the globe, with some nice Indian ones as well.
There is quite a bit of protein in the recipes, but there could be more. There is little use of lentils, for example. #TheWholeVegetable did better, I think. There is such a variety of lentils, grains and beans, and even soy bean products besides tofu. There seems little excuse to not have protein in every dish, really.
Yet the dishes are tempting ad look delicious. As expected it is very plant-forward. I love that it makes its own feta replacement using tofu, preserved lemon and nutritional yeast and uses tofu instead of paneer in dishes.
Recommended for a flavourful transition to vegan eating.
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3/ 🧵 /The Whole Vegetable/ Sophie Gordon
See here for another review of this book and some recipes that were trialled. https://thecookbookbar.com/review-sophie-gordon-whole-vegetable/
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1/ 🧵 /The Whole Vegetable/ Sophie Gordon
It is a thing these days to write (or at least own) cookbooks about no waste or using the whole product. Truth be told, these cookbooks have been around for ever, just not named that way.
Sophie Gordon published on in the past couple of years. She is UK based, but you'd never know as her website (https://www.sophgordon.com) overlooks this important detail. It is only in the Catering section that she mentions they source local UK ingredients.
Soph is about seasonal and veg-heavy food. This is her first cookbook. The blurb for the cookbook is full of buzz words - seasonal, vibrant, sustainable, vegetable-heavy, eco-conscious, no-waste.
The Whole Vegetable, by Sophie Gordon
Published: 2020
Pages: 384
Publisher: Michael Joseph
Price: around $42AU, but look around as prices vary.An eBook is available.
Recipes: 158, all of which are vegetarian and egg-free.
The book is divided into seasons. This could be a problem for Australia readers as our seasons don't translate by just doing a 6-month shift.It does help that Summer is divided into Early Summer and Height of Summer. Similarly Winter is Winter Begins and Depths of Winter.
Each season is divided into a section for each vegetable featured. Many recipes feature Waste Tips - what to do with the bits we normally would not use.
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