New from Solzy at the Movies: The Wild Bunch: A Gritty and Violent Western
#TheWildBunch #film #movies #Western #classicfilm
#classicfilm #western #Movies #Film #thewildbunch
Influential cinema
#TheWizardOfOz #batmanbegins #thbourneidentity #halloween #theshawshankredemption #thewildbunch #2001aspaceodyssey #alien #bladerunner
Gestern das 1. Mal #TheWildBunch von #SamPeckinpah gesehen. Besser als erwartet, schlechter als erhofft. Bahnbrechend für seine Zeit, mit heutigem Auge mit einigen Längen. Aber auch angenehm "roh" im Storytelling. Eher für Cineasten interessant.
Born on this Day 1917
American Actor Ernest Borgnine.
#ernestborgnine #american #actor #spaghettiwestern #happybirthday #botd #abulletforsandoval #hanniecaulder #escapefromnewyork #theposeidonadventure #thewildbunch #thedirtydozen
#ernestborgnine #american #actor #spaghettiwestern #happybirthday #botd #abulletforsandoval #hanniecaulder #escapefromnewyork #theposeidonadventure #thewildbunch #thedirtydozen
RT @CTMillion
If you want to talk about versatility: the same cinematographer who shot this week's #NoirAlley, #DontBotherToKnock, also shot #ElvisThatsTheWayItIs, just after shooting #TheWildBunch for Sam Peckinpah... the immensely talented Lucien Ballard. #TCMParty
#NoirAlley #dontbothertoknock #elvisthatsthewayitis #thewildbunch #TCMParty