Still can't stop thinking about this page of the production book for "The VVitch" (2015).
This is the monologue in response to the Devil's line "Wouldst thou like the taste of butter?"
#thewitch #horror #monologue #holyshit
Wouldst thou like to…?
#TheWitch #BlackPhillip #OrangePhillip #BlackJulius #SantanicCitrus #OrangeYouGladIDidntSayBeelzebub
#thewitch #blackphillip #orangephillip #blackjulius #santaniccitrus #orangeyougladididntsaybeelzebub
Wouldst thou like to…?
#TheWitch #BlackPhillip #OrangePhillip #BlackJulius #SantanicCitrus #OrangeYouGladIDidntSayBeelzebub
#thewitch #blackphillip #orangephillip #blackjulius #santaniccitrus #orangeyougladididntsaybeelzebub
I don't know why, but I just had an earworm for The Witch by The Rattles and I needed to put it on YouTube to satisfy my brain's desire for it. I can't really blame my brain; it is an absolutely cracking tune, even if the accompanying video looks more like a 1970s British Public Information Film warning about the danger of hippies in woodland.
#Music #MusicVideo #TheRattles #Rattles #TheWitch #PIF #PublicInformationFilm #EarWorm
#earworm #publicinformationfilm #pif #thewitch #rattles #TheRattles #musicvideo #Music
The Witch (2015)
#horror #HorrorMovies #thewitch #scary #spooky #dark #AnyaTaylorJoy
#AnyaTaylorJoy #dark #spooky #scary #thewitch #HorrorMovies #horror
A wide variety of movies this week!
#LetterboxdFriday #LastFourWatched #Film #Movies #Cinemastadon #ThreeThousandYearsofLonging #CreedIII #StepBrothers #TheWitch
#thewitch #stepbrothers #creediii #ThreeThousandYearsOfLonging #cinemastadon #movies #film #lastfourwatched #letterboxdfriday
Little lovely Ame (and Taro) from the podcast "Worlds beyond number" #WorldsBeyondNumber #Ame #TheWitch
#thewitch #ame #worldsbeyondnumber
Released #OTD 2015
The premise is based on America's first witch hysteria, set 62 years before the infamous "Salem Witch Trials" in colonial Massachusetts.
#AnyaTaylorJoy #RalphIneson #KateDickie #RobertEggers #movies #WhatToWatch
#otd #thewitch #anyataylorjoy #ralphineson #katedickie #RobertEggers #movies #WhatToWatch
Does anyone know what happened to the „Witch“ from „Silvertooth Loos & the Witch“?
I saw them live once, that was impressive. I remember they later had a cramps style garage band, but then no one ever heard anything again.
#garage #guitar #punk #rockabilly #thewitch
#thewitch #rockabilly #punk #guitar #garage
@RichTate I was really excited to see this one since I was such a huge fan of #TheWitch, but I didn’t enjoy this one when I’ve watched it. I’ve thought of watching it again and I still may one day, because I feel like I’m missing something here and this movie should be an absolute masterpiece. I want to feel that way about it, but currently that’s not the case. I’m glad you enjoyed it, if you did! I’m really looking forward to Robert Eggers #Nosteratu and I haven’t watched #TheNorthman yet.
#TheNorthman #nosteratu #thewitch
No spoilers.... but.... Brennan rooster screaming noises is exactly what I needed this afternoon to wake me the fuck up. AHAHAHA. #WorldsBeyondNumber #TheWitch #Preview
#worldsbeyondnumber #thewitch #preview
I can't even call #Skinamarink a slow burn like 2015's #TheWitch. This movie has no burn. It's just loud sounds, disembodied voices, camera angles that are supposed to make the viewer uncomfortable, out of focus shots, and no story. There is no payoff at the end and you're left wondering why you wasted an 1hr and 40mins of your life.
Essentially, my review of this movie can to summed up in one meme:
Strike, brother, strike. … Your Kingdom will not last.
I like #TheWitch / #TheVVitch. The second time #TheNorthman is even better than the first. The cinematography and the prophetic hallucination of a basically familiar story are absolutely remarkable. Atmosphere and style over cheap effects and silly jokes. I like this „un #Zeitgeist“ movie a lot! #GoodStuff
Some scenes remind of the first #Conan movie.
#thenorthman #thewitch #thevvitch #zeitgeist #goodstuff #Conan
The Witch (2016)
L’horreur du fondamentalisme religieux dans l’Amérique du XVIIè siècle.
#TheWitch #RobertEggers #AnyaTaylorJoy #RalphIneson #KateDickie #Film #Cinema #Horreur #FilmHorreur
#thewitch #roberteggers #anyataylorjoy #ralphineson #katedickie #film #cinema #horreur #filmhorreur
Some cross stitch I've done in the past. Haven't picked it up in a while because the last piece I did was symmetrical (The VVitch one) and my OCD made it Very Not Fun. #crossstitch #hobby #crossstitching #thewitch #thevvitch #snowwhite #speckle #tucaandbertie #boldandbrash #spongebob
#crossstitch #hobby #CrossStitching #thewitch #thevvitch #snowwhite #speckle #tucaandbertie #BoldAndBrash #spongebob
Wouldst thou like to bake cookies deliciously?
#thewitch #horror #HorrorMovies