New #Gunpla just arrived for the backlog. This may end up being my most ambitious project yet!
Because they share the same name, I've been imagining Martin in #themagnusarchives to look like this Martin from #thewitchfrommercury lol
#themagnusarchives #thewitchfrommercury
Bandai is telling us that Suletta and Miorine are “just good friends”. We’ve heard that before, eh. #gundam #WitchFromMercury #TheWitchFromMercury #sexuality #lesbian
#lesbian #sexuality #thewitchfrommercury #witchfrommercury #gundam
I watched this show and was very very happy that the protagonists get actually married. But then apparently there was a bunch of drama because Bandai Namco wanted to censor the word 'marriage' from an interview with Suletta's voice actress and said the couple is up for interpretation? But then again, they are now trying to say the censorship was just an error? What a mess. But what a good show though.
Somewhat related to my last post, since my mom follows me on Tumblr, she has been exposed to levels of lovey dovey Sulemio art so sweet and so often that it is Known By The State of California to Cause Cancer lmao #thewitchfrommercury #GWitch #Yuri
#thewitchfrommercury #GWitch #yuri
セセリア・ドート(機動戦士ガンダム 水星の魔女) | ◡̈ ARU #pixiv #AIイラスト #AIArt #AIイラスト好きさんと繋がりたい #ガンダム #機動戦士ガンダム水星の魔女 #水星の魔女 #gundam #MobileSuitGundamTHEWITCHFROMMERCURY #THEWITCHFROMMERCURY #セセリア・ドート #SeceliaDote
#SeceliaDote #セセリア #thewitchfrommercury #MobileSuitGundamtheWitchfromMercury #gundam #水星の魔女 #機動戦士ガンダム水星の魔女 #ガンダム #AIイラスト好きさんと繋がりたい #aiart #AIイラスト #pixiv
About 2 weeks ago, @SitaDulip posted a pic of a gunpla kit from The Witch From Mercury.
Since then, my wife and I have been loving the series on CrunchyRoll.
And now I’m looking at getting the HG Aerial kit, and the water decals, and the special stand…
This is the impact of Mastodon. I’d never have known about any of this without our own unique network.
#Mastodon #gunpla #gundam #TheWitchFromMercury #OhGodMyPoorWallet
#mastodon #gunpla #gundam #thewitchfrommercury #ohgodmypoorwallet
#MobileSuitGundamTheWitchFromMercury was a very, very good show (and I watched the last two episodes yesterday).
While I've always had an affinity for giant robot stuff, the usual protagonists of the #Gundam franchise haven't exactly been my cup of tea.
The second half of #TheWitchFromMercury did dive into some darker, dramatic, kinda depressing stuff, but it all paid off well with a hopeful (and cute) resolution.
#mobilesuitgundamthewitchfrommercury #gundam #thewitchfrommercury #GWitch #lesbian #sapphic #wlw
If course all the HG models come out as soon as the series is finished #gunpla #gundam #GWitch #TheWitchFromMercury but I think I'll wait for the PG or higher to get those led permit score set up
#thewitchfrommercury #gwitch #gundam #gunpla
#TheWitchFromMercury 24 : Une série magnifique et captivante jusqu'au bout, moderne dans son approche et ses réflexions. Avec son lot d'introspections méta sur ce qu'est une série Gundam et ce que ces machines représentent.
On y retrouve les éléments "essentiels" qui font la force de la licence mais abordé avec une vision progressiste et rafraichissante qui manquait parfois aux séries post-2000. G-Witch devient d'ailleurs ma préférée de cette période. A voir absolument, fan de la licence ou pas.
Thank goodness it's a super happy ending for #TheWitchFromMercury, what a wholesome ending 🥲🥲🥲🥲 #Gundam #GWitch #anime
#Anime #gwitch #gundam #thewitchfrommercury
Season (hopefully not series) finale for #Gundam #TheWitchFromMercury #GWitch and #HellsParadise this weekend, and no #JujutsuKaisen for another 2 weeks, what am I gonna dooooooooo #anime
#Anime #jujutsukaisen #HellsParadise #gwitch #thewitchfrommercury #gundam
Started chewing through #TheWitchFromMercury on Crunchyroll, and I’m finding it a lot of fun. Sure, the prologue was a bit intense and the start of the series feels a little trope-y, but that’s not a bad thing!
#thewitchfrommercury #gundam #gunpla
Adding onto a post I made on a previous instance in light of new info.
To the tune of System of a Down's "Aerials":
🎵Aerial, in the sky, flying round so she'll impress her bride.
Aerial, killed a guy, crushed his bones so she'd protect her bride.
Aerial saw Eri die. With Permet she's gained eternal life.🎵 #TheWitchFromMercury
내 기억이 틀린 게 아니었구나. 코드기어스 1기 때도 거한 사기극(...)을 했었다 ' ▽ ' ㅋㅋㅋ 2쿨짜리라고 이야기해놓고 "여러분 2쿨 더 할께요!"(...) 거기에 보너스로 사람 잡는 클리프행어를 탠덤 탄두로(TV 마지막 방송에서 한 번, 1기 진짜 마지막 스페셜에서 또 한번) 시청자들 뒷통수에 날렸었고.
남은 화수가 부족하지만 막 달려나가는 상황이 코드기어스 때랑 닮았다고 이야기하는 사람들이 제법 있었다.
그래서 2쿨짜리라는 이야기는 사실은 반쯤 거짓(?)일지도 모른다는 기대 섞인 전망도 꽤 ' - ' ... 우려도 꽤(...) 있었음.
레딧을 보고 있다.
슬레타에게 감정이입한 적지 않은 사람들이 "샤아처럼 되어서 저들에게 복수했으면 좋겠어!!!" 라고 외치고 있는 걸 보고 있다.
나도 그 방향에 마음이 상당히 끌리는 중이다 ㅋㅋㅋ
생각해보니 마스토돈에서 태그로 검색해서 나온 분들을 모두 팔로우 하면 되는 거였어.
코드기어스를 방영하기 시작했을 때, 그게 2쿨로 발표되었었던가 분할 2쿨 = 4쿨로 발표되었었던가 기억이 잘 나지 않는다. 가물가물한 기억이 맞다면 2쿨로 발표해놓고 "여러분 반응에 따라 더 해볼까요?" 같은 에반게리온식 프로듀싱이었던 기억이 나지만, 이게 확실한 기억이 아니다.
왜 이런 생각을 하고 있는 이유는, 이 재미있는 내용을 2쿨로 끝내버리기엔 잠재력이 너무 아깝다는 생각이 들기 때문이다.