Absolutely thrilled that #TheWomanOnTheBridge has gone into the Irish bestseller list at No 5 this week. Proud to share the shelves with these fabulous authors! #HistoricalFiction #IrishWarOfIndependence #IrishCivilWar
#thewomanonthebridge #historicalfiction #irishwarofindependence #irishcivilwar
If you’re looking for something to read this weekend my historical novel #TheWomanOnTheBridge is out now. Based on my grandmother’s life it’s set during the #irishwarofindependence and #irishcivilwar Although the setting is quite different from my contemporary novels, it’s still a book about people finding in er strength in unexpected circumstances. I’m really proud of it!
#thewomanonthebridge #irishwarofindependence #irishcivilwar
Sheila O’Flanagan: my Irish Times piece about the background to #TheWomanOnTheBridge #novel #irishwarofindependence #irishcivilwar
#thewomanonthebridge #novel #irishwarofindependence #irishcivilwar
In full author mode today as I met my lovely agent for lunch @isobelmdixon @blakefriedmannliteraryagency we started with our traditional glass of champagne 🥂 to toast the paperback publication of #whatedendidnext at the beginning of March and #thewomanonthebridge on 27 April @balfesdublin There are definitely some great moments in the writing journey 😊😊😊
#whatedendidnext #thewomanonthebridge
Mum with her proof copy of #TheWomanOnTheBridge which will be out on 27 April. Unfortunately her failing sight means she can’t read it herself but she’s making my sisters read it to her. I offered but she said I couldn’t read my own book 😂😂
When you write a book you’re never quite sure how readers will react. It’s always nerve racking. So I’m delighted to be part of this selection along with some great authors #TheWomanOnTheBridge
I'd hoped to share to cover of The
Woman on the Bridge with you today, but we've run
into a technical hitch. So I'll post it later in the week. In
the meantime, here's one of the photos that inspred
me, of my grandmother on her wedding day, taken in
the garden of her house (she's the young woman in the
centre row not holding the dog)
#irishwarofindependence #IrishCivilWar #family
#historicalfiction #TheWomanOnTheBridge
#irishwarofindependence #irishcivilwar #family #historicalfiction #thewomanonthebridge