Humans are poisoning the atmosphere of marine life just as we poisoned our own. Our collective responsibility is obvious so why would she choose to be an enemy of life? Why become part of the problem? #thewrongsideofhistory
Sen. Susan Collins Moves To Block Stricter Rules Protecting Endangered Whales
I’m proud to belong New York City
Though here can happen things that are shitty
On #thewrongsideofhistory
#couplet #headlinesonnet #headlinepoem #hincapie #mytaxdollarsatwork #thewrongsideofhistory
New York City Relies upon her laws
But justice may have metastasized
Into a bureaucracy with flaws
(Innocent are sometimes criminalized)
On #thewrongsideofhistory
#headlinesonnet #headlinepoem #hincapie #mytaxdollarsatwork #thewrongsideofhistory
“[Hincape Fin’lly] Exonerated
In [A] 1990 Subway Killing
Of Tourist [(A Man By Lawyers Bullied)]
To Get $18 Million [(New York’s Paying)]”
On #thewrongsideofhistory
#headlinesonnet #headlinepoem #hincapie #mytaxdollarsatwork #thewrongsideofhistory
The police and then the persecutors
Will look at one another & then shrug
They just worked for the tabloids & mayors
& unthinkingly got another thug
On #thewrongsideofhistory
#headlinesonnet #headlinepoem #hincapie #mytaxdollarsatwork #thewrongsideofhistory