Alastor de Ion · @augustusvalentinus
56 followers · 332 posts · Server

In my opinion, the pinnacle of DMing a is when the game becomes so vivid that it bleeds into the players’ reality, like when one of my players dreamt of and after a session or a player passed a location her character visited in and found herself feeling suspicious because of what had happened in the game!

#penandpaper #ttrpg #theyellowsign #thekinginyellow #callofcthulhu #KULT #mindseye

Last updated 2 years ago

After I wanted to explore the other highly mysterious entity of the namely often seen as an aspect of . I have been a bit obsessed with and and therefore I wanted to go back to the source for an epic campaign around Hastur. The core of the campaign is but before that I nested ? and the seminal modules, one within the other.

#callofcthulhu #ttrpg #masksofnyarlathotep #cthulhu #mythos #thekinginyellow #hastur #theyellowsign #carcosa #tattersoftheking #tellmehaveyouseentheyellowsign #tatterdemalion

Last updated 2 years ago

Liminal Flares · @liminalflares
144 followers · 192 posts · Server

Welcome to the horrifying conclusion of , in which the peaks, but that dreadful heteronormative exclusion is blissfully absent.

Listen to ep 6 of wherever you get your podcasts or at It's our best yet. I'm fairly certain ⁣@theremina is pioneering a combination of audio engineering and necromancy in this one.

#languagematters #Podcast #eldritch #genderqueer #NonBinary #Trans #LGBTQIA #cosmichorror #genderinclusive #liminalflares #cosmicdread #theyellowsign

Last updated 2 years ago

When it comes to it often feels like characters are doomed from the start. And sometimes there are clear points of no return when characters’ fates are sealed, madness & possibly death are now inevitable. And with that, welcome to Part 3 of .

Listen to ep5 wherever you get your podcasts or at

And please share us with others who might enjoy our and , story time.

#LGBTQIA #Trans #NonBinary #Podcast #liminalflares #genderinclusive #haunting #haunted #theyellowsign #cosmichorror

Last updated 2 years ago

Have you found ? Let's hope you don't. Time to immerse ourselves in some early courtesy of . EP 3 brings all the fun of and none of the dreadful exclusion. Listen to the entire EP wherever you get your podcasts or

With that, my @Mastodon catchup is done. Part 2 of The Yellow Sign comes out this Thursday!

#storytime #LGBTQIA #genderqueer #NonBinary #Trans #Podcast #genderinclusive #liminalflares #heteronormative #cosmicdread #robertwchambers #cosmichorror #theyellowsign

Last updated 2 years ago