@JPK_elmediat Ooooh! Ooooh! Someone I can share my “Yellow Wallpaper” theory with!
It’s her skin! The yellow wallpaper is her skin! And the woman on the other side of the wallpaper is herself! She’s tearing off her skin to get to herself!
How’s that grab ya?
#FeministFilm Recommendation: #Swallow (2020) https://www.swallowmovie.com
[TW: abuse, rape, EDs, self-harm.]
This tense, brooding story of a young white woman trapped by pregnancy & pica in a perfectly appointed midcentury manse in upstate NY is difficult to watch, but always compelling. The film harkens back to feminist classics like #TheYellowWallpaper & #TheAwakening, reminding us of the harm wrought by the idealization of the “mother woman… fluttering about with extended, protecting wings.”
#theawakening #theyellowwallpaper #swallow #feministfilm
And speaking of my work being used in classrooms, one thing I'm really proud of is the fact that my modern day #metoo audio drama adaptation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" (which you can listen to below) has been used by numerous English professors to help kids understand the story. It's one of my favorite short stories of all time. I really should adapt more fiction for the ear!
#metoo #theyellowwallpaper #audiodrama #fiction #shortstories
The Madhouse Keeper: Reading Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell
Welcome back to our re-read of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. For the month of June, we’re looking at chapters 41-48, wherein more than one wife is separated from her husband.
With the patronage of the we
#feminisminwriting #jonathanstrangeandmr.norrell #review #theyellowwallpaper
#feminisminwriting #jonathanstrangeandmr #review #theyellowwallpaper