My yittle baby got their first pair of combat boots! Now they get to go around and protest and punch Nazis! So cute! #theygrowupsofast
My 15yo son just joined a Fantasy Football league with his friends. First year he's done that. Previous years he did it with me. I'm sure he'll still do one with his old man if I asked him to, but his heart will be in the one with his friends.
I'm not gonna lie -- I've been a little emotional today, realizing he's starting to (naturally) drift away. After my wife, he's my best friend in the world.
Mastodon’s all growed-up now: just blocked my first “hey, you should add a bitcoin link to your profile” suggestor. #theyGrowUpSoFast
Die Tochter einer Freundin ist gestern noch quiekend und sabbernd unseren Katzen hinterher gekrabbelt.
Heute wurden wir zur Einschulung eingeladen.
This past week capturing the memories of a special trip with my college age son for his spring break. I treasured every moment with him. They grow so fast.
#sanfrancisco #Chinatown #sketchbook #urbansketch #urbansketching #watercolor #art #artist #mastoart #ayearforart #TheyGrowUpSoFast #springbreak #memories
#sanfrancisco #Chinatown #sketchbook #urbansketch #urbansketching #watercolor #art #artist #mastoart #ayearforart #theygrowupsofast #springbreak #memories
Prep for a face-to-face games of #TalesFromTheLoop #TTRPG #TheyGrowUpSoFast Old Geography skills to the fore!
#TalesFromTheLoop #ttrpg #theygrowupsofast
I, uh, think I got followed by my first follow bot on Mastodon.
Oh Lord. It’s time. The kid is learning to drive. Pray for us, if you’re the praying sort. #TheyGrowUpSoFast
@itisiboller My god I had a nearly identical quote from my son. Couldn't help but respect it. #ProudTears #TheyGrowUpSoFast
I think my Steam account might just about quality as an older person - it turned 18 this year😅
It was a bittersweet day when it moved out of the house and started bringing it's washing home at weekends🥹
RT Even older people. My little brother asks for a steam deck, mom doesn’t know what a steam deck is or steam. Goes to Amazon, Best Buy, etc looking for it and can’t find it.
Guess who is 6 months old today? Happy Half Birthday, Willow! :ablobcatbongo: 🎁🎂#WillowWhimsy #TheyGrowUpSoFast #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #KittensOfMastodon #TootCats #TootKittens
#willowwhimsy #theygrowupsofast #caturday #catsofmastodon #kittensofmastodon #tootcats #tootkittens
A few weeks ago, a neighbor couple dressed up fancy for a celebration. First time daughter saw make-up, asked why Sophie's (neighbor) face looks different, and why her lips are so red.
Ever since, not a day goes by when she doesn't ask us to buy her lipstick. If she finds a pen, marker, or pencil, she'll paint her lips.
She's also very fond of nail polish. Even my nails are all glittery.
#parenting #life #theygrowupsofast