Arrived recently in the mail: an exhaustive overview of the early years of #DonKirshner's self-named label -- yup, plenty of Archies and much more besides -- plus an exhaustive overview of "Yes it's like #SpinalTap but it's mostly #TheYoungOnes and they're all actually English and" etc.
#donkirshner #SpinalTap #theyoungones
"And all the kids will be saying 'Why are the grown-ups crying?', and they'll say 'Rik is dead! The people's Poet is dead!'" #RikMayall #TheYoungOnes
Well that's just typical! Five minutes to go until the most important party of my life, and half the house has been wrecked by a gigantic sandwich!
#rikmayall #theyoungones #nigelplaner #typical #sandwich #meat #interesting
#rikmayall #theyoungones #nigelplaner #typical #sandwich #meat #interesting
I hope you're satisfied Thatcher!
#KevinTurvey #BadnewsTour
#RikMayall #MJLND #AlanBstard
Tees by Sillytees
#fbpe #blackadder #gtto #kevinturvey #badnewstour #rikmayall #mjlnd #alanbstard #theyoungones
Tonight’s #tshirt #TheYoungOnes #Weenicons
#tshirt #theyoungones #weenicons
Alexi’s speech is as relevant today as when it first broadcast in 1984.
Why has nothing really changed?
RT @youngonesfan
C’mon C’mon, get the thing started
Is it just me or is it a bit Rik Mayall this morning? #RikMayall #TheYoungOnes #MrJollyLivesNextDoor #Blackadder #PeoplesPoet #KevinTurvey
Tees by Sillytees
#rikmayall #theyoungones #mrjollylivesnextdoor #blackadder #peoplespoet #kevinturvey
RT @youngonesfan
One of the great things about Summer is tea on the lawn
“#BBC accused of ‘hiding’ #Oxbridge bias on #University Challenge in deepening elitism row”
lol, #TheYoungOnes in ‘83 told me this 😂😊
#OxBridge / #bbc #challenge / #ScumbagCollege <> / <>
#bbc #oxbridge #university #theyoungones #challenge #scumbagcollege
A curious performance from #PetShopBoys, almost as if it's Chris Lowe and his singing friend.
Breakers from #StevieWonder and #SiouxsieAndTheBanshees.
Absolutely love the #CliffRichard and #TheYoungOnes single. It's utter utter utter bonkers brilliance, especially the 12inch.
#TOTP reruns eat themselves, I remember #TheRealThing from 1976-in-2011. Now it's 1986-in-2018-in-2023, and "You to me are everything" remains a must-hear.
#TheRealThing #totp #theyoungones #cliffrichard #SiouxsieAndTheBanshees #steviewonder #petshopboys
The French know how to protest. Even Italian biscuits know how to rise up. What’s wrong with us ? What do we have to lose ?
Apart from our wafers.
#PeekFreansTrotsyAssortment #TheYoungOnes #SupporttheStrikes
Tees by Sillytees
#peekfreanstrotsyassortment #theyoungones #supportthestrikes
So a Comic Relief #threeForFriday #music #quiz last week, how did you get on? Is your love of the charity single self evident?
Next round on Friday
#threeForFriday #music #quiz #musicquiz #trivia #musictrivia #questions #musicquestions #popmaster #musicfans #musicgame #musicchallenge #quiztime #instaquiz #comicrelief #comicrelief2023 #cliffrichard #theyoungones #hankmarvin #1986 #2005 #thewaytoamarillo #isthisthewaytoamarillo #1987 #mel&kim #melandkim #christmassong #charitysong #charitysingle
#charitysingle #charitysong #christmassong #melandkim #mel #isthisthewaytoamarillo #thewaytoamarillo #hankmarvin #theyoungones #cliffrichard #comicrelief2023 #comicrelief #instaquiz #QuizTime #musicchallenge #musicgame #musicfans #popmaster #musicquestions #questions #MusicTrivia #trivia #musicquiz #quiz #music #threeforfriday
It's Comic Relief this weekend and amazingly we've never had a @comicrelief round on the #threeForFriday #music #quiz. So here you go, how well do you know Britain's purveyor of charity team-up singles?
Answers in the comments.
#threeForFriday #music #quiz #musicquiz #trivia #musictrivia #questions #musicquestions #popmaster #musicfans #musicgame #musicchallenge #quiztime #instaquiz #comicrelief #cliffrichard #theyoungones #hankmarvin #thewaytoamarillo #1987 #mel&kim #christmassong
#christmassong #mel #thewaytoamarillo #hankmarvin #theyoungones #cliffrichard #comicrelief #instaquiz #QuizTime #musicchallenge #musicgame #musicfans #popmaster #musicquestions #questions #MusicTrivia #trivia #musicquiz #quiz #music #threeforfriday
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #OJBorg
The Young Ones, Cliff Richard & Hank Marvin:
🎵 Living Doll
#nowplaying #OJBorg #theyoungones #cliffrichard #hankmarvin
#TheYoungOnes nailed it back then
Back from the pub now. Gonna settle down with a large gin & a tin of Peek Freans Trotsky Assortment. #FOLLOWBACKFRIDAY
#GTTO #TheYoungOnes #SupporttheStrikes
Tees by Sillytees
#followbackfriday #gtto #theyoungones #supportthestrikes