We've learned that a screenshot of They Vote For You is being shared online that shows Opposition Leader Peter Dutton as a supporter of the Voice. This is clearly wrong and is connected to the error we posted about last week.
If you'd like to know more about what happened and what we've done in response, please see our new blog post on the subject https://www.oaf.org.au/2023/09/01/they-vote-for-you-theres-something-wrong-with-peter-duttons-voting-record/
#auspol #thevoice #voice #theyvoteforyou #tvfy
Who voted for a constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people?
Find out at https://theyvoteforyou.org.au/policies/257
[Alt Text: Yellow text reads "Who voted for a Voice to Parliament?" and provides a link to They Vote For You. The background is of parliament house on a blue sky day.]
#auspol #thevoice #voice #theyvoteforyou #tvfy
The latest divisions are once again appearing on They Vote For You! We're now going to be working through each one to edit it into plain language and attach it to any relevant policy areas.
Alt text: An image of a large pile of documents in an in box next to a near empty out box. Above this empty out box is text that reads: Issue sorted! The latest divisions are now back on They Vote For You! Now to edit them all...
Our democracy needs you!
Last chance to make your tax deductible donation for EOFY: Chip in to help us keep vital services going https://donate.oaf.org.au/ Proving a small number of ordinary humans can help do great things like #openaustralia #rightoknow #theyvoteforyou #planningalerts
#openaustralia #rightoknow #theyvoteforyou #planningalerts
Senator for NSW Andrew Bragg threatens OpenAustralia Foundation with legal action
Poor form for LNP Senator Andrew Bragg to attack @oaf like this. To me, Andrew Bragg looks like a bully who's misusing the legal process to stop people from sharing information on how he voted.
You can't silence the truth.
One year on from his attack, it turned-out to be only hot air. Like his parliamentary career: all talk, no action.
#auspol #andrewbragg #openaustralia #theyvoteforyou
Do you know how your elected MP votes on the issues that matter to you?
Do their actions and values align with yours?
Forget what politicians say. What truly matters is what they do. And what they do is vote, to write our laws which affect us all.
This website is a free, open source public resource by OpenAustralia Foundation.
They Vote For You
A site dedicated to making parliamentary voting information accessible, understandable, and easy to use so that you can hold your elected representatives to account.
Our policy:
#Fusion #AusPol #MP #Politician #TheyVoteForYou #Transparency #OpenSource #EthicalGovernance #Australia
#fusion #auspol #mp #politician #theyvoteforyou #transparency #opensource #ethicalgovernance #australia