#NowPlaying my #TheZombies #playlist
The Zombies playlist:
You Make Me Feel Good
Whenever You’re Ready
Don’t Cry For Me
You’ve Really Got a Hold on Me
Imagine the Swan
Tell Her No
Time of the Season
It’s Alright With Me
I Can’t Make Up My Mind
She’s Not There
Kind Of Girl
I Don’t Want to Know
Leave Me Be
Nothing’s Changed
I Love You
I Want You Back Again
#nowplaying #thezombies #playlist #60smusic #nowlistening #playlists
Today's perfect poolside listening:
The Zombies ~ Whenever You're Ready
(Decca 45, August 1965)
#NowPlaying #TheZombies
#FridayVibes #thezombies #NowPlaying
Minor Key . Net The Zombies Playlist 7/27/23
#thezombies #musichistory #nowplaying #playlist #60smusic
"Time of the Season" is a song by the British rock band #theZombies, featured on their 1968 album #OdesseyAndOracle. It was written by keyboard player #RodArgent and recorded at #AbbeyRoadStudios (then known as EMI Studios) in September 1967. Over a year after its original release, the track became a surprise hit in the #UnitedStates, rising to number three on the Billboard #Hot100 and number one on the #Cashbox chart.
#thezombies #odesseyandoracle #rodargent #abbeyroadstudios #unitedstates #hot100 #cashbox
#Prezes #Kaczyński #Cymański (zombie) były grabarz i spawacz wraca do #PiS...
#Napoleon w fundacji celowej Wieprze #Orwell.a:
- Wiecie, ten wokal #TheZombies zawsze mnie urzekał, ale teraz ch. im na grób!
#prezes #kaczynski #cymanski #pis #napoleon #orwell #thezombies
Wait, maybe this version is better:
#TheZombies - 🎵 It’s the time of the season for dining…🎵
🍷 🍽️
#HashtagGames #takeasongtodinner #thezombies
The oldies station in my area just played this song on the radio, and I don't care how many times I hear it, each time is as awesome as the time before it. #nowplaying #music #TheZombies #1960s
#nowplaying #music #thezombies #1960s
The Zombies - Time Of The Season
It's the time of the season
When love runs high
In this time, give it to me easy
And let me try with pleasured hands
To take you in the sun
To promised lands
To show you every one
It's the time of the season for loving
#nowplaying #music #TheZombies #Endeavour
#nowplaying #music #thezombies #endeavour #trombalazana
Minor Key . Net Playlist 3/14/23
#TheZombies #DinosaurJr #DizziGillespie #CharlieParker #DiogenesQuartet #AnatCohen #ShekuKanneh-Mason
#AppleMusic: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-3-14-23/pl.u-kv9llDVIJDykG6p
#Qobuz: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/13952690
#Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/63hLLSxDOYYiQVRufmst3k?si=06867e2990d449d8
#NowPlaying #Playlist #60smusic #IndieMusic #Jazz #JazzMusic #ClassicalMusic #music #Mastomusic
Also See: #JMascis Playlist: https://www.minorkey.net/minor-key-playlists/minor-key-net-playlist-1-8-23
#thezombies #dinosaurjr #dizzigillespie #charlieparker #diogenesquartet #anatcohen #shekukanneh #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #nowplaying #playlist #60smusic #indiemusic #jazz #jazzmusic #classicalmusic #music #mastomusic #jmascis
Tom is now listening to This Will Be Our Year
Minor Key . Net Valentine's Day Playlist 2/14/23
#BoDiddley #TheAnimals #CharlesBradley #BobDylan #MarvinGaye #OtisRedding #SonicYouth #TheMagneticFields #TheZombies #NancySinatra #LouReed #Donovan #Sebadoh #ElliottSmith #TheMoodyBlues
#APPLEMUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-valentines-day-playlist-2-14-23/pl.u-NpXm9Lpt4yGPB70
#QOBUZ: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/13443907
#SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6l6ggj8bFDz2vz2Q41pHEH?si=2067ccb7144e4ec8
#bodiddley #theanimals #charlesbradley #bobdylan #marvingaye #otisredding #sonicyouth #themagneticfields #thezombies #nancysinatra #loureed #donovan #sebadoh #elliottsmith #themoodyblues #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #nowplaying #music #valentinesday #playlist #mastomusic
Minor Key . Net Playlist 2/9/23
#KrisKristofferson #FourTops #OtisRedding #TheBluesProject #TheZombies #BertJasch #DinosaurJr #EricBurdonAndWar #EricBurdon
#APPLEMUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-2-9-23/pl.u-jV89bXDIDBWZ63V
#QOBUZ: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/13395472
#SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Eq6MvfF6Hg7Pc6yzfBGI3?si=90568dc0404248e0
#nowplaying #music #playlist #60smusic #mastomusic #70sMusic #Folkmusic #indierock #motown
#kriskristofferson #fourtops #otisredding #thebluesproject #thezombies #bertjasch #dinosaurjr #ericburdonandwar #ericburdon #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #nowplaying #music #playlist #60smusic #mastomusic #70smusic #folkmusic #indierock #motown
Tom is now listening to This Will Be Our Year
What are you doing New Year's Eve? It may surprise roughly no one to learn that my aspirations include sharing some #accordion music from my home office. To mark the occasion, from 1968, here's my (#StupidAccordionTricks) take on #TheZombies' #ThisWillBeOurYear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lVZA6UrqDk
#thiswillbeouryear #thezombies #StupidAccordionTricks #accordion
I fell down some steps and twisted my ankle encountering significant pain, but I still got today's #playlist ready!
Minor Key . Net Playlist 12/24/22
Today's theme: 😏
The aesthetic: 🤭
#TheCure #REM #TheYardbirds #NineInchNails #Mudhoney #TomWaits #TheZombies #NinaSimone #LeonardCohen
APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-12-24-22/pl.u-NpXmzkgF4yGPB70
QOBUZ: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/12713289
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2DWhs5b2fIeJziyYTrwrrC?si=021e3ea1f8d64c56
#playlists #mastomusic #music #nowplaying #lovesongs #applemusic #qobuz #spotify
#playlist #thecure #rem #theyardbirds #nineinchnails #mudhoney #tomwaits #thezombies #ninasimone #leonardcohen #playlists #mastomusic #music #nowplaying #lovesongs #applemusic #qobuz #spotify
I fell down some steps and twisted my ankle encountering significant paint, but I still got today's #playlist ready!
Minor Key . Net Playlist 12/24/22
Today's theme: 😏
The aesthetic: 🤭
#TheCure #REM #TheYardbirds #NineInchNails #Mudhoney #TomWaits #TheZombies #NinaSimone #LeonardCohen
APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-12-24-22/pl.u-NpXmzkgF4yGPB70
QOBUZ: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/12713289
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2DWhs5b2fIeJziyYTrwrrC?si=021e3ea1f8d64c56
#playlists #mastomusic #music #nowplaying #lovesongs #applemusic #qobuz #spotify
#playlist #thecure #rem #theyardbirds #nineinchnails #mudhoney #tomwaits #thezombies #ninasimone #leonardcohen #playlists #mastomusic #music #nowplaying #lovesongs #applemusic #qobuz #spotify
Sons of Hippies - Time Of The Season (2013) 🎄
#music #christmas #sixties #neopsychedelic #cover #thezombies
Album: Psych-Out Christmas
Sons of Hippies is an American indie/neo-psych rock band from Sarasota, Florida, founded by Katherine Kelly and Jonas Canales.
Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dgUHqFdtuk
Bandcamp: https://psych-outchristmas.bandcamp.com/track/time-of-the-season
#music #sixties #neopsychedelic #cover #christmas #thezombies
Vinilos que suenan por casa. Vámonos a 1964.
Con ustedes...
🎙️ https://youtu.be/YmO3MtWIwi8
#thezombies #musica #music #art #arte
1. “Vol. II,” #WatkinsFamilyHour
Two-thirds of #NickelCreek, siblings Sean & Sara Watkins, got the gang back together for another studio album based on their roots-music revues at LA’s Largo nightclub. Featuring acoustic covers of everything from country standards to #thezombies to #tuneyards and guests ranging from #FionaApple to #Lucius, and so much harmony.
Listen: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_l4edHToD0gFspDxOJXA3Ezjwv9EBBrBAw&feature=share
#5albums22 #bestalbums2022 #watkinsfamilyhour #nickelcreek #thezombies #tuneyards #FionaApple #Lucius