Good Morning
Have a peaceful Sunday
#zen #buddhism #boeddhisme #thichnhathahn
#thichnhathahn #boeddhisme #buddhism #zen
Ga je vandaag ook even stoppen, ergens?
#zen #boeddhisme #rust #werkdruk #thichnhathahn
#thichnhathahn #werkdruk #Rust #boeddhisme #zen
To Meditate
“To meditate does not mean to fight with a problem.
To meditate means to observe.
Your smile proves it.
It proves that you are being gentle with yourself,
that the sun of awareness is shining in you,
that you have control of your situation.
You are yourself,
and you have acquired some peace.”
Thich Nhat Hahn
#mindfulness #awareness #Metta #meditation #thichnhathahn
To be beautiful means to be yourself.
You don’t need to be accepted by others.
You need to accept yourself.
Thich Nhat Hahn
#thichnhathahn #love #kindness #selfmetta #Metta
#TheWayOutIsIn #PlumVillage #Podcasts #Interbeing #ThichNhatHahn Deep Healing a journey of transformation
#thewayoutisin #plumvillage #Podcasts #interbeing #thichnhathahn
"Praktikuji tibetský mahájánový buddhismus a bylo to pro mě osvěžující, dozvědět se něco o angažovaném buddhismu. Je to jedna z mých věčných otázek, zda jsou buddhismus a aktivismus slučitelné. (...) Také to řeším v rámci vlastních společenských i politických aktivit. Proto pro mě bylo seznámení se s Thich Nhat Hanhovým dílem velice přínosné."
/Tomáš Klus v připravovaném rozhovoru pro Svět Darmy/
#buddhismus #thichnhathahn #aktivismus #dharma
New documentary premiers in a few minutes, made for the first anniversary of the passing of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, "I Have Arrived, I Am Home."
#ThichNhatHahn #mindfulness
Ten Love Letters to the Earth #thichnhathahn
Do something once a day #Breathe # Mindfulness #PresentMoment #ThichNhatHahn
#breathe #presentmoment #thichnhathahn
#DeerParkMonastery #ThichNhatHahn #MemorialCeremony #LiveStream #Today #JoinIn #Breath You are already what you want to be. #Love #Mindfulness
#deerparkmonastery #thichnhathahn #memorialceremony #livestream #today #joinin #breath #love #mindfulness
Well i go to @dailykos
@reddit and all sorts of newspapers. Still an info junkie BUT more #Mindful of what i consume. You know garbage in garbage out.
Its time for #Beauty #Goodness #Happiness #Mindlfulness #Zen #ThichNhatHahn
There is plenty of doom all around, no doom shortage. Its so satisfying not give the bird site any clicks.
We are the product on the closed internet spaces. And besides its a cesspool of the most vile fascists now. Its truly gross.
#mindful #beauty #goodness #happiness #mindlfulness #zen #thichnhathahn
"Jak říká Thich Nhat Hanh, veškerý buddhismus je angažovaný. Pokud jste uvědomělí a bdělí, vidíte, že dochází k utrpení, a když utrpení vidíte, musíte udělat něco pro jeho zmenšení. Musíte pozvednout svůj hlas nebo se tomu postavit a pomoct, i kdybyste tím ohrozili svoje vlastní bezpečí."
Kaira Jewel Lingo v rozhovoru v aktuálním čísle Svět Dharmy 3/2022
#kairajewellingo #thichnhathahn #engagedbuddhism #interview
"I have arrived. I am home."
The sound of more folks making the transition.
Also, a great #ThichNhatHahn quote. He knew things.
#twittermigration #journalists #thichnhathahn
I love #ThichNhatHahn. That's me somewhere in the photo.
Every time before speaking he'd invite a tone from his palm-held bell followed by three mindful breaths, then followed by the same. This was all it took to bring us into the present moment.
Something so simple.
Sometimes the simplest things in life are the easiest to overlook.
One thing I like about @Mastodon is that there’s lots more of #ThichNhatHahn than Nigel Farage, more #DalaiLama than #MAGA.
#thichnhathahn #dalailama #maga