#Bird of the day is the Thick-Billed Euphonia. This is a female and can be pretty much in all of Costa Rica. Slightly skittish and camera shy, they are hard to photograph!
I just love the beautiful sunshine yellow colour though!
#CostaRica #BirdsOfCostaRica #BirdPhotography
#bird #thickbilledeuphonia #costarica #birdsofcostarica #birdphotography
#Bird of the day is the Thick-Billed Euphonia. This is a female and can be pretty much in all of Costa Rica. Slightly skittish and camera shy, they are hard to photograph!
I just love the beautiful sunshine yellow colour though!
#CostaRica #BirdsOfCostaRica #BirdPhotography
#bird #thickbilledeuphonia #costarica #birdsofcostarica #birdphotography