Für den #thicktreethursday gehts heute zurück auf die Insel Meinau.
Eine wirklich überbordende Vielfalt. https://www.mainau360.de
Für den #thicktreethursday wieder ein Griff in die Erinnerungen. Diesmal an den wunderschönen Garten von Alfabia auf Mallorca. https://www.jardinesdealfabia.com
My favorite part of the #SanDiego Botanical #Garden light show. #Photography #ThickTreeThursday
#sandiego #garden #photography #thicktreethursday
My favorite part of the #SanDiego Botanical #Garden light show. #Photography #ThickTreeThursday
#sandiego #garden #photography #thicktreethursday
@timsmalley these are perfect for #thicktreethursday #thicktrunkthursday & they’re beautiful, thank u for sharing and you’re right they should be protected & hope they will be
#thicktreethursday #thicktrunkthursday
A suitably proportioned yew tree
@Rheall oh wow thats awesome and a great idea. Has somebody collated the popular mastodon photography hashtags? I saw a #thicktreethursday hashtag that you may like. Are there other interesting ones?
Moss and lichen on root flare of Ceiba pentandra, Kapok Tree at the Foster Botanical Garden in Hawaii.
#mosstodon #LichenSubscribe
#CeibaPentandraTree #CeibaPentandra #KapokTree #kapok #ThickTreeThursday #ThickTrunkThursday #Hawaii #FosterBotanicalGarden #ExceptionalTree
#mosstodon #lichensubscribe #ceibapentandratree #ceibapentandra #kapoktree #kapok #thicktreethursday #thicktrunkthursday #hawaii #fosterbotanicalgarden #exceptionaltree