A #Top5Ships #fandom #introduction. Well, the 5 that come to mind right now; I'm no good at favorites.
#ThiefJuice (#leverage, parker/hardison/eliot. My first #polyship)
#Steter and #Hannigram (#TeenWolf and #Hannibal ; I like when the manipulative one finds someone just as clever who turns the tables.)
#CodyWan (#StarWars #CloneWars gives so many options for weird identity and power dynamics stuff!)
... Orochimaru/Sakumo, maybe? I like seeing what people spin out of unexplored characters.
#top5ships #fandom #introduction #thiefjuice #leverage #polyship #steter #hannigram #teenwolf #hannibal #codywan #starwars #clonewars