Why is the #NHS contracting with #Palantir, a controversial US business whose founder, Peter #Thiel, is a buddy of #Trump & which undertakes “federal work, which includes building battlefield software, migrant surveillance systems and ‘predictive policing’ [#MinorityReport-style] tools to identify potential perpetrators and victims of crime.”
#NHS #palantir #thiel #trump #minorityreport
A company owned by a #fascist billionaire American is getting #NHS contracts in #England- and there are questions about the tendering process
#health #tech #Thiel
#thiel #tech #health #england #nhs #fascist
@slothrop It sounds very immature of Grimes, I'd say. If you have to ASK your partner such a question, what have you been up to before in that relationship? I can't imagine being together with a transphobe/racist/mysogynist person more than a few minutes... all of the above fits #spacekaren, #zuckerberg and #thiel. So I wouldn't. :-)
Sidenote: She
left Musk for #ChelseaManning ... maybe that released/sparked special emotions.
#SpaceKaren #zuckerberg #thiel #chelseamanning
Peter Thiel ist weder der reichste noch der bekannteste Silicon-Valley-Milliardär, aber sicherlich der gefährlichste. Dieses knapp 15-minütige Filmchen des @ZDF stellt ihn vor: https://www.zdf.de/dokumentation/zdfinfo-doku/wer-ist-peter-thiel-radikale-politik-mit-tech-milliarden-100.html
Chef der #Paypal-Mafia, erster #Facebook-Investor, #Palantir-Mitbegründer, #Trump-Spender … viele wissen das.
Da es kein eingekauftes Filmchen ist, hätte ich erwartet, dass ein Bezug zur EU oder D hergestellt wird. Wer weiß schon, dass Palantir dank Hessen-Innenminister Peter Beuth durch #HessenData Zugriff auf interne Polizeidatenbanken hat?
Das steht in der Wikipedia, weil es dafür 2019 einen der deutschen #BigBrotherAwards gab – es hätte sich also leicht recherchieren lassen: https://bigbrotherawards.de/2019/peter-beuth
Erst im Februar 2023 stellte das #BVerfG fest, dass dieser Einsatz der Palantir-Software #Gotham in #Hessen verfassungswidrig ist: https://www.hessenschau.de/politik/warum-die-polizei-software-hessendata-von-palantir-so-problematisch-ist-v2,urteil-bundesverfassungsgericht-hessendata-100.html
#PeterThiel #Thiel #bba19 #Massenüberwachung #TechBillionaires
#TechBillionaires #massenuberwachung #bba19 #thiel #peterthiel #hessen #gotham #bverfg #bigbrotherawards #hessendata #trump #palantir #facebook #paypal
Why settle with #GoldenPassports when you can have #GoldenCities?
The (long) cautionary tale of the island of #Roatan, where #libertarians & #investors set up their quasi-#extraterritorial #city "#Prospera", with permission from #Honduras to "write their own #laws and regulations, design their own #court systems, and operate their own #police forces"
Remember this whenever your hear about the likes of #Thiel, #Andreessen or #Musk seeking to establish their own kingdoms
#GoldenPassports #goldencities #roatan #libertarians #investors #extraterritorial #city #Prospera #honduras #laws #court #police #thiel #andreessen #musk
Zur Erinnerung: "Ewiges Leben & Weltherrschaft - wer ist Peter #Thiel", Anteilseigner von #Palantir (ZDF Magazin Royale, 11.02.2022) https://invidious.privacydev.net/watch?v=SKY5pOcEn4U
Wir finden es extrem bedenklich, dass es Bundesländer gibt, die #Palantir verwenden https://www.tagesschau.de/investigativ/br-recherche/palantir-software-analyse-polizei-100.html #Thiel
So suppose we have a repeat of #Facebook selling data on their pawns to #CambridgeAnalytica in a #Thiel-brokered scheme to get #Trump in power. And because a fedi admin failed to protect their users from that, those users also became pawns who then added to Trump’s support. Then you discover after Trump gets re-elected what happened.
Isn’t it too late? Are you not to blame for failing to protect your users from predictably becoming FB pawns?
#facebook #cambridgeanalytica #thiel #trump
Gutes aus der #ARD Mediathek von Anja #Reschke.
Alternative zur Reichsbürgerkommune ist die Privatstadt von #Thiel und #Gebel. Ganz offiziell wirbt man mit einer staatsfeindlichen Struktur. Beide übrigens dick im Geschäft mit der #BRD (sic).
Parallelgesellschaften Landschaft #Sachsen. Version 8.8.
#Privatstadt #Palantir #Drohnen
#ard #reschke #thiel #gebel #brd #sachsen #Privatstadt #palantir #drohnen
But #Thiel #rugpulling his followers won't be surprising to anyone but those that get #rugged and they'll likely do an "an hero" instead of guillotining the scammer...
OFC defunding society by tax evasion is the least of #Thiel's problems...
Interesting read awaiting. « The #Contrarian » Peter #Thiel. By Max #Chafkin.
📚💵💻 #SiliconValley
#chafkin #SiliconValley #thiel #contrarian
Kann es sein, dass sehr viele #Superreiche wie #Musk #Thiel #Trump etc. einen Hang zum #Faschismus haben, wahrscheinlich, weil sie davon am meisten finanziell profitieren?
Oder sind das prozentual gesehen eher #Einzelfälle ?
#Superreiche #musk #thiel #trump #faschismus #einzelfalle
Looks like Peter #Thiel met with Jeffrey #Epstein had multiple meetings scheduled together in Epstein's New York Mansion. And oh Lordy there may be tapes...
rel new very honest convo w Barrett Brown #palantir #thiel #intercept #cooption #whistleblower #realitywinner #disinformation
#disinformation #realitywinner #whistleblower #cooption #intercept #thiel #palantir
Peter #Thiel und seine Pläne.
D’Eramo: "Freiheit für einige wenige, Sklaverei für die große Mehrheit, das ist das Ziel."
Fixed it. :0)
Exclusive: Tech billionaire and Republican megadonor Peter #Thiel, an early backer of #Trump who later broke with him, has told associates he is not planning to *PUBLICLY* donate to any political candidates in #2024, according to two people close to the businessman.