heise+ | Ausprobiert: So schlägt sich ein Thin Client als Desktop-Ersatz
Günstige Thin Clients lassen sich für viele Projekte einsetzen. Aber kann man damit Texte schreiben, Bilder bearbeiten und Videos schneiden? Wir probierens aus.
#FreeBSD #GNU #HewlettPackard #Jaguar #NAS #ThinClient #news
#freebsd #gnu #hewlettpackard #jaguar #nas #thinclient #news
@CraftComputing Either way I've to agree with the conclusion and I assume this thing was designed as an industrial / embedded device that is basically just a leg up from a #ThinClient in terms of I/O and for that it's fine...
Personally, I do like the fact that #ServeTheHome isn't just doing #HardwarePorn like #LinusTechTips but also looking at more affordable and reasonable options.
#ReUse & #UseLonger are not only cheaper but also more envoirmentally friendly, and from my personal experience, getting some relatively-new #ThinClient that may even be #fanless is a cheao, easy and useful starting point for a #MiniServer...
#miniserver #fanless #thinclient #uselonger #reuse #linustechtips #hardwareporn #servethehome
@whitekiba Personally I just want to have a "#FrugalComputing" distro that at least works as an #SSH "#ThinClient" or #Terminal...
But sadly I really hit a brick wall getting stuff optimized so that I can fit the absolute bare minimums in there...
After all, I just want a minimal #Linux that offers me a #Terminal and can run #dropbear as #SSH client and let the #toybox do the boring userland housekeeping.
Any advice?
#toybox #dropbear #Linux #Terminal #thinclient #ssh #frugalcomputing
Thin Client Wysens up to Become OpenWrt Router - For some of us, unused hardware lying around just calls to be used. It seems like ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/14/thin-client-wysens-up-to-become-openwrt-router/ #computerhacks #thinclient #openwrt #wyse
#wyse #openwrt #thinclient #computerhacks
@aurora sadly every competitior just vomits out some boards with shit to nonexistent documentation.
You might - if you don't need #ARM64 but could also use #ix86 / #amd64 - choose some #ThinClient like a #hp #T620 which can be had for as little as €30 with power supply, optional stand, 4GD DDR3L-SODIMM and 8GB M.2 B-Key SSD.
#t620 #hp #thinclient #amd64 #ix86 #arm64
@stepfister @billgoats @Raspberry_Pi @bunsenlabs @ubuntu @tails Like #bunsenLabsLinux, that is too a #debian-based #lightweight distro and also a fine choice.
Some people may even find #LubuntuLTS or @linuxmint #LinuxMint a good option when it comes to providing a hassle-free unit when one wants a #Desktop and not just a #ThinClient option similar to #Porteus which is a #Freemium offering...
#freemium #porteus #thinclient #Desktop #LinuxMint #lubuntults #lightweight #Debian #bunsenlabslinux
@billgoats I recommend something like a #hp #T620 #ThinClient for those that want to poke with #Linux on the #Desktop.
You can get one used with 4 GB RAM, WiFi and power supply for less than a @Raspberry_Pi #Pi4B2GB or #CM4WLite1GB at MSRP.
It'll run anything from #RaspberryPiOS for #ix86 and #lightweight #Linux distros like @bunsenlabs #BunsenLabsLinux to @ubuntu #UbuntuServer LTS and even @tails #Tails.
Tho #UbuntuDesktop will feel very slow on it.
But with something like #Porteus it's fine.
#porteus #UbuntuDesktop #tails #ubuntuserver #bunsenlabslinux #lightweight #ix86 #RaspberryPiOS #cm4wlite1gb #pi4b2gb #Desktop #Linux #thinclient #t620 #hp
@chibijon @thisdoesnotcomp *nodds in agreement*
Also most people - espechally #TechIlliterates and big companies - are doing more #Cloud-based #SaaS than ever and basically turn everything into a #ThinClient.
Most people would have their average computing experience even if they were forced to daily-drive #Porteus #Kiosk "Cloud"...
#kiosk #porteus #thinclient #saas #Cloud #TechIlliterates
@wa7iut @nixCraft OFC one may just need a convenient way to sent files, and https://oshi.at as well as https://wsend.net may be viable options to do so.
Otherwise I found the most convenient solution is to just use a #ThinClient, put @ubuntu #UbuntuServer LTS [or any #Linux #Server #distro really] on and just provide file access per #SFTP.
It's literally how I sync shit.
Bonus point: At 10W max this is affordable even at absurd electricity prices like in Germany...
#sftp #distro #Server #Linux #ubuntuserver #thinclient
@geist @lou ich selbst könnte im Zweifelsfalle mit so ner #ThinClient - #Ranzmöhre und @bunsenlabs oder gar @tails drauf arbeiten...
Angenehm wär's nicht, aber funktionieren würd's für mich besser als garkein PC!
@geist @lou Generell bin ich ein fan von #Reuse & #Refurbish...
Einfach weil selbst nen uralter #ThinClient noch zu was taugt...
"Der Software-Riese #Microsoft plant, Windows vollständig in die Cloud zu verlagern. Damit soll Nutzern der Zugriff auf ein vollwertiges Betriebssystem ermöglicht werden, das aus der Cloud auf jedes Gerät gestreamt werden kann."
Einmal in den Fängen... kommt man da schlecht wieder raus.
@gemlog @claudiom @nytpu @goosey @ajroach42 @kelbot #thinclient #thinclients Just brought my HP t510 back to life with a #USB #WiFi adapter, USB #Bluetooth adapter, and new 128GB #SSD! It's now running #Lubuntu 20.04. I plan to use it for light #retro gaming, some #simh #emulation, and who knows what else. Those real deal #serial and #parallel ports sure could come in handy. Next up, upgrading RAM to 8GB! #linux #computing
#thinclient #thinclients #usb #wifi #bluetooth #ssd #lubuntu #retro #simh #emulation #serial #parallel #linux #computing
@robin @Joseph @fuchsiii or you could just use @torproject if not @tails , but that implementation you said is bimeing used by #ThinClient & #InternetCafé-Distributions like #Porteus...
#porteus #Internetcafe #thinclient
@utzer @nitrokey Wenns kein Laptop sein muss würde ich zu nem #ThinClient o.ä. #Refurb-Hardware raten.
#AfB verkauft Zeug gegen cash in diversen Filialen...
Dort kann man auch die Geräte i.d.R. ansehen und ausprobieren sowie nachschaun lassen...
Graphing part is working, just hard coded fns for now, but it's a start! #lisp #antibrowser #cloud #app #thinclient #NoFont #stdin #stdout [[oh code, my lisp, ancient variant, out on https://bitbucket.org/timcdoc/antibrowser/src/master/lisp/sh73/
#stdout #stdin #nofont #thinclient #App #Cloud #antibrowser #Lisp
Implemented more stuff dumping p/q internal form. The number of digits arbitrarily at 32 could be hundreds if needed. #lisp #antibrowser #gui #cloud #application server only uses stdin/out to send/receive to/from #thinCLient on other end of socket. Red is an indication of inexact(irrational, or too complicated) Note p/q means this is going to be more exact for longer than normal.
#thinclient #application #Cloud #GUI #antibrowser #Lisp
@lunareclipse I mean I'd expect performance of that smartphone to be on-par with a @Raspberry_Pi #Pi3B with no added heatsink fitted to it...
So unless you want to make it a #clickfarm #bot #phone, it's less hassle to just get a somewhat recent #ThinClient and abuse that as a low-powered server.
I have one of them and at €0,62/kWh, a 2W SoC is the most reasonable option to use either @ubuntu / #UbuntuServer or any other #linux.
Plus, it's a regular-ass #amd64 system.
#amd64 #Linux #ubuntuserver #thinclient #Phone #Bot #clickfarm #pi3b
@uru @neil also that remote-brick SSD can be abused.
That's why a lot of corporations just go with a #ThinClient approach even on laptops so machines that get lost don't even have any data on them beyond a easily revokeable VPN access (on a fully-encrypted SSD), as they only get like VNC/RDP/X11/... connectivity.
Same can be done with "diskless workstations" where stuff get's network-booted or no data to be worked on is locally.
Personally I prefer the latter...