For Go Play Brisbane this year. I have put together an adventure inspired by Jurassic Park where the players will take the roles of camp counsellors at Fossil Farm. I will be utilising Tales from the Loop or more accurately Things from the Flood.
I would be keen to hear your experiences with the Tales from the Loop in a con setting?
#Talesfromtheloop #Thingsfromtheflood #ttrpg #goplaybrisbane2023
#TalesFromTheLoop #thingsfromtheflood #ttrpg #goplaybrisbane2023
Anything #FreeLeague but especially #Vaesen #TalesFromTheLoop #ThingsFromTheFlood and #BladeRunner
Currently playing #TheExpanse and #Dragonbane
Interested in running #Vaesen #Liminal and #CthulhuHack
Running a series of choose your own adventure #LoneWolf games for anyone to join in with!
#liminal #FreeLeague #Vaesen #TalesFromTheLoop #thingsfromtheflood #bladerunner #theexpanse #DragonBane #cthulhuhack #lonewolf
Ich habe damals aus Versehen zweimal Tales from the loop (Englisch) bestellt.
Falls jemand Lust hat, das gegen Things from the Flood (Englisch oder Deutsch egal) zu tauschen wäre das toll!
#TalesFromTheLoop #thingsfromtheflood #pnpde #buchertausch #tauschen #ttrpg
#TalesFromTheLoop #thingsfromtheflood #pnpde #buchertausch #tauschen #ttrpg
I had an amazing rpg weekend with @catrinity, @Ghulgrube and @tinofalke. First in-person games in almost exactly three years.
We played #ThingsFromTheFlood, a Swedish rpg about a run-down society in an alternative 90s setting where the great sci-fi promises of its predecessor setting #TalesFromTheLoop never panned out. I loved how our GM seamlessly switched between "everything's broken, everyone's depressed", "weird sci-fi stuff happens", "teen drama" and "oh, right, that funny stuff existed in the 90s!" The mechanics of the game work decently too, though they really require only rolling for stuff that's actually challenging because every roll *will* be hard.
Our second game was #Masks, a #pbta game about teenage super heroes. Our group had a Delinquent (theme song: Castle by Halsey) who was told to do some superheroics as community service if she didn't want to end up in jail and a Protégé (theme song: I am the Fire by Halestorm) and Legacy (theme song: tbd) from two rival superhero academies depicting the idealist and ends-justify-means part of the spectrum. I love how the game invites you to go all-in on the genre tropes - after getting the "Insecure" condition, I looked up the way of clearing it: "take foolhardy action without talking to your team." So naturally I went rogue to solve the case on my own, got caught, had to be bailed out by my team and Learned A Valuable Lesson. And I even came up with a decent one-liner!
That said, if anyone has an idea for a good theme song for a teenage superhero called "Lux" with hardlight- and gadget-based powers and a "ends-justify-means" attitude from a poor background stuck in an ivy-league academy, I'm all ears!
#thingsfromtheflood #talesfromtheloop #masks #pbta #ttrpg #pnpde #ciferrpgmusings
@HeyeBodo I left for the usual reasons: university, people moving to different cities, etc. With the exception of some D&D one-offs (the usual lowest common denominator) I haven't gotten back in, regrettably. As #ActuallyAutistic I *hate* getting to know new people, so it's a chore I only want to tackle for something that's worth it; in my case something sci-fi, e.g. #EclipsePhase, #Alien, #Cyberpunk, #TalesFromTheLoop, #ThingsFromTheFlood, or #Numenera, which tends to be a good deal more niche than the usual Fantasy stuff, making it even harder to find people... #LFG #TTRRPG #Cologne #Bonn #Germany ;-)
#actuallyautistic #eclipsephase #alien #cyberpunk #TalesFromTheLoop #thingsfromtheflood #numenera #lfg #ttrrpg #cologne #bonn #germany
I ran my first game of #ThingsFromTheFlood last night, in preparation for an upcoming convention. Five mopey 90s teens had a film club meeting they'll never forget.
While I'm not completely sold on this iteration of the YZE (Coriolis and Alien are my favourites) it's easy to pick up, and works well with the wonderful setting. A subtle sci-fi horror game and one I'm looking forward to running again.
Weil es beim letzten mal so wunderbar geklappt hat. Ich würde gerne mal in Tales from the Loop und Things from the Flood reinschauen. Gibt es vielleicht eine Runde oder eine Spielleitung die sich erbarmt und mich mal eine Runde spielen lässt?
#pnp #pnpde #UlissesSpiele #talesfromtheloop #thingsfromtheflood
#pnp #pnpde #UlissesSpiele #TalesFromTheLoop #thingsfromtheflood
Between Chernobyl and now The Last of Us I'm starting to think that #CraigMazin could probably do a pretty sick adaptation of #SimonStålenhag's #ThingsFromTheFlood
#thingsfromtheflood #simonstalenhag #CraigMazin
A Special Gift is a #CHRISTMAS #ttrpg #horror scenario designed for a teen horror game (like #ThingsFromTheFlood).
WARNING: It contains #vampirism, #bodyhorror, and the end of the world. Make sure you use safety tools (like #LinesAndVeils) before starting to play this.
It's #PayWhatYouWant so pick it up for free! (or kick down a couple of bucks for the goodwill) and while you're at it, have a look at some of my other books!
#christmas #ttrpg #horror #thingsfromtheflood #vampirism #bodyhorror #linesandveils #paywhatyouwant
#LFG #TTRPG I miss playing terribly, so if there are any groups looking for players on a weekday, around 1600-2000 UTC, like once a month or every other week... Online or in the Cologne/Bonn area... I generally *prefer* #Mature #Realistic #HardSciFi
#EclipsePhase #Cyberpunk2020 #CyberpunkRed #TalesFromTheLoop #ThingsFromTheFlood #Alien #Kult #Ratten #Degenesis #Numenera #Vampire #Shadowrun #Firefly #Pathfinder #DandD #ADandD #Gor #DSA #TheDarkEye #Fudge #GURPS
#lfg #ttrpg #mature #realistic #hardscifi #english #german #eclipsephase #cyberpunk2020 #cyberpunkred #TalesFromTheLoop #thingsfromtheflood #alien #kult #Ratten #degenesis #numenera #vampire #shadowrun #firefly #pathfinder #dandd #adandd #gor #dsa #thedarkeye #fudge #gurps
Sobotni wieczór spędzony na relaksującej sesji RPG ze znajomymi . Gra jest idealnie dopasowana do mojego aktualnego stanu umysłu uciekającego w stronę nostalgii za czasami dzieciństwa :)
Sam setting poznałem podczas oglądania serialu "Opowieści z Pętli" na Amazonie (Polecam). Estetyka mnie urzekła swoim zręcznym połączeniem retrofuturyzmu z latami 80tymi. To w co dzisiaj grami to tak naprawdę "Tajemnicę Powodzi" czyli taka kontynuacja tego konceptu ale w latach 90tych i jako nastolatkowie.
#TajemnicePowodzi #ThingsFromTheFlood #OpowiesciZPętli #TalesFromTheLoop #GraFabularna #RolePlayingGame #Rpg #TTRPG #NOSTALGIA
#tajemnicepowodzi #thingsfromtheflood #opowiescizpetli #talesfromtheloop #GraFabularna #roleplayinggame #rpg #ttrpg #nostalgia
Une liste de mes 7 #jdr actifs, en ordre décroissant de hype:
On jouent Pathfinder avec l'extension #spheresofpower et #spheresofmight. Ca rend les build de persos bien plus interessants et permissifs
Aussi, j'ai les bouquins mais pas l'opportunité de jouer:
#jdr #pathfinder1 #starfinder #theendoftheworld #dnd5e #w40k #anima #revesdedragons #anoe #spheresofpower #spheresofmight #callofcthulhu #deltagreen #thingsfromtheflood
Oh, wow, @simonstalenhag is in the #fediverse as well! I'm an absolute sucker for their #TalesFromTheLoop and #ThingsFromTheFlood works.
#fediverse #TalesFromTheLoop #thingsfromtheflood
Saw this thing doing the #ttrpg rounds and thought I'd join in:
Last 5 played or GMd:
Next 5 I want to play or GM (some of which are already scheduled):
#ttrpg #mothership #Mausritter #ForbiddenLands #LexArcana #DeathinSpace #PirateBorg #CY_BORG #thingsfromtheflood #BasicFantasy #TheTroubleshooters
Wie speelt er vaak andere #ttrpg's dan #DnD? #FATE? #thingsFromTheFlood? #Vaesen? #Alien? #pirateBorg?...
Wij wel, op zaterdagen om de twee weken. Volgende keer op 12 november om 13u met Alien en Pirate Borg. Iedereen welkom in Lier in de Rosmolen. Inschijvingen op
Hopelijk tot snel!
#PirateBorg #alien #Vaesen #thingsfromtheflood #fate #DND #ttrpg