Please enjoy
Ready to write in my comfy, oversized sweatshirt. Day 28 NaNoWriMo 2022.
[#imageDescription: Close up of Karen's sweatshirt. TEXT: Second Breakfast Club. Meets Daily. She is also wearing the One Ring on a silver chain around her neck.]
#LORT #OneRing #secondBreakfast #amWriting #thingsido #SecondBreakfastClub #useCapitalsInHashtagsForAccessibility #indieAuthor #nanowrimo2022
#imagedescription #lort #onering #secondbreakfast #amwriting #thingsido #secondbreakfastclub #usecapitalsinhashtagsforaccessibility #indieauthor #nanowrimo2022
I have a notebook by the bed for writing middle of the night story inspirations. Just wish I could read what was scribbled in the dark.
[#videoDescription: a black teacup and saucer woth white spots sits in front of Karen's laptop. It's full of Orange Pekoe tea. Karen lifts the cup, sips (offscreen), and replaces the cup.]
#indieAuthor #aussieAuthor #nanowrimo2022 #teacup #thingsIDo #useCapitalsInHashtagsForAccessibility #useImageDescriptionForAccessibility #authorLife #3amScribblings
#videodescription #indieauthor #aussieauthor #nanowrimo2022 #teacup #thingsido #usecapitalsinhashtagsforaccessibility #useimagedescriptionforaccessibility #authorlife #3amscribblings