Frau Susanna · @frau_susanna_
2 followers · 18 posts · Server

Was ich momentan recht oft zu hören kriege beim Smalltalk:

"Ah du reist also viel beruflich. Ja solange du noch keine Kinder hast geht das ja auch noch, danach kannst das wahrscheinlich vergessen."

Frage an alle: hören das nur Frauen oder auch Männer? Finden das alle bissl anstrengend, sowas mit Fremden zu diskutieren?

#isitjustme #thingsmensaidtomeatwork #feminismus #feminism #WomenInSTEM #HeForShe #amarbeitsplatz

Last updated 2 years ago

Frau Susanna · @frau_susanna_
2 followers · 7 posts · Server

So about 5 years ago, a new client invited me to business dinner with some other business dudes. After we arrived, everybody was introduced with full name and title.
Only I was introduced by my client
"... and this is my girlfriend".

[And he did not correct himself]

This is unprofessional even if we were close friends and he just made a joke. But in reality I knew this guy 2 weeks over email.

#WhatTheWhatNow #thingsmensaidtomeatwork #feminism #sexism

Last updated 2 years ago