sgt1372 · @sgt1372
354 followers · 14458 posts · Server


As Inspector Fache (Jean Reno) said toe Professor Langdon (Tom Hanks) in "The Da Vinci Code" regarding the "pyramid" at The Louvre, IMO the "Sutro Tower" is a scar on the face of San Francisco."

I absolutely hate it and have hated it since the day it 1st became visible in the skyline. Yealh I'm THAT old & I don't give a f*ck how much it helps TV/radio stations get their signals out.

Who the F*CK gets their signals off of the air anymore anyway? Most people now get this signals via 4/5G or wirelessly.

The Sutro Tower is an anachonism that should be demolished to restore the beautiful skyline of The City.

People strongly adocated for the demolition of the Embarcdero Freeway follwing the 1989 Earthquake which made the Embarcado a so much more beautiful. The same should be done w/Sutro Tower.

Tear the F*CKING thing DOWN!!!!

#sf #eyesores #sutrotower #thingsthatsuck #demolishit

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Gill Rider · @smilingheretic
281 followers · 1861 posts · Server

Just in case anyone is interested: having asthma sucks.

#thingsthatsuck #asthma

Last updated 1 year ago

Allan · @allanjswan
157 followers · 947 posts · Server

Things that suck:

Number 1: Osteoarthritis.

One seven minute level of Panzer Dragoon's button mashing fun and my hands are utterly fucked. And this is on high strength anti inflammatory painkillers.


Last updated 1 year ago

prunella · @prunella
252 followers · 535 posts · Server

Big Petfood/Veterinary rant follows.

One of my foster kitties requires a digestive prescription food for a while. It took a half hour and an act of congress to get a prescription written up, AND I have to go pick up the paper prescription.

Is this really necessary? The only thing unusual about the food is that it has extra probiotics and fiber, and doesn't taste quite as yummy to them as regular food.

#seemslikeascam #scam #bigbusiness #veterinary #petfood #thingsthatsuck #cats #FosterCats

Last updated 2 years ago