Govan Old Parish Church and Graveyard, Glasgow.
This is a place that's always worth a visit. Great neogothic architecture, some fantastic old gravestones with lots of interesting symbols on them, and even a dragon hidden on one of the walls (if you can manage to spot it!).
#govan #govanoldparishchurch #churches #graveyards #glasgowbuildings #achitecture #thingstodoinglasgow #buildingphotography #churchphotography #scottishchurches
#scottishchurches #churchphotography #buildingphotography #thingstodoinglasgow #achitecture #glasgowbuildings #graveyards #churches #govanoldparishchurch #govan
The central hall of Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow.
Like many Glaswegians, the Kelvingrove Art Gallery has been my home away from home on many a wet and otherwise miserable winter's day, both as a child and as a grown-up.
#glasgow #glasgowbuildings #interiors #kelvingrove #kelvingroveartgallery
#winter #rainydays #thingstodoinglasgow #thingstodoinglasgowwithkids #museums #artgalleries #peoplemakeglasgow
#PeopleMakeGlasgow #artgalleries #museums #thingstodoinglasgowwithkids #thingstodoinglasgow #rainydays #winter #kelvingroveartgallery #kelvingrove #interiors #glasgowbuildings #glasgow