Good morning Saturday kids!
It's a year today since I had a bath - and I booked into a hotel for the night so that I could!
I am a word in a story written entirely on skin: I appear three times in this story; I'm the beginning of a sentence. #thingsyoudidntknowaboutme
I’ve been in four pornos. Back in the day when it was VHS. #ThingsYouDidntKnowAboutMe
As a younger man I danced in a cage at a gay fetish club.
I had a girlfriend for nine months in my teens. I can't even remember if we kissed.
I mentored teens whose lives had fallen apart following neglect or abuse. I did that as a volunteer for ten years.
I was once in ‘The Cage’ on Tiswas and know who the Phantom Flan Flinger was. Also did the ‘Dying Fly' with Sally James.
Younger (or non UK) folk may have no clue what Tiswas was. So here's a link -
I was completely celibate for five years after separating from my long term partner. It was another three years before I had another relationship.
I have walked with elephants in the African bush, crossed a crocodile infested river and faced down two hyena that wandered into our camp. Everyone lived.
Aus der Not heraus hab ich mal* ein Bett erfunden, das seine Bolzen selbständig laufend festzieht.
#thingsyoudidntknowaboutme #toomuchinformation