RT from Nordic Semiconductor (@NordicTweets)
Did you miss the Hackster Café where @Hacksterio's @glowascii talked to Bjørn about the "Beehavior" monitoring project? Watch on-demand on YouTube! They also dived into #Thingy53, and the recent Smarter Sustainable World Challenge
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxT4jqFJfX0 👇
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/NordicTweets/status/1625114182294069248
RT from Nordic Semiconductor (@NordicTweets)
We are ready to join https://www.hackster.io/'s next episode of #hackstercafe today @ 10 AM PST. Bjørn Spockeli joins Alex Glow to chat about the "Beehavior" beehive monitoring project, #Thingy53, as well as the recent Smarter Sustainable World Challenge 👇https://twitter.com/Hacksterio/status/1622664699044143110
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/NordicTweets/status/1622917557425512450
Exciting times ahead as my Google Hub Max started appearing as a #Thread network border router. I was able to provision #Matter test device (Nordic #Thingy53 weather station) via my Android phone and see it on the hub! Now I just need to work out how to join it to my existing #OpenThread network.
#matter #thread #thingy53 #openthread
RT from Nordic Semiconductor (@NordicTweets)
One week to submission deadline! Help us reduce our ecological footprint by submitting your innovative solution(s) using #Thingy53 & @EdgeImpulse for our @Hacksterio "Smarter Sustainable World Challenge"! Win a $2,000 gift card or trip to @electronicaFair👉https://hubs.li/Q01g1Hx70
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/NordicTweets/status/1580518207584014336
RT from Nordic Semiconductor (@NordicTweets)
Help us reduce our ecological footprint! Join our @Hacksterio "Smarter Sustainable World Challenge" & submit your innovative solution(s) using #Thingy53 & @EdgeImpulse for a chance to win a $2,000 gift card or trip to @electronicaFair!
Submit your project👉https://hubs.li/Q01g1Hx70
[Video embedded in original tweet]
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/NordicTweets/status/1574793235460866048
RT from Nordic Semiconductor (@NordicTweets)
How can you help combat climate change using the #Thingy53 and @EdgeImpulse? Join our @Hacksterio "Smarter Sustainable World Challenge" and enter your ML-powered projects for a chance to win $2,000 or a trip to @electronicaFair!
Submit your project 👉 https://hubs.li/Q01g1Hx70
[Video embedded in original tweet]
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/NordicTweets/status/1569335145932505088
RT from Nordic Semiconductor (@NordicTweets)
We're stocked to see many inspiring projects for the Smarter Sustainable World Challenge, and all free HW is now given out! You can still join and build a project using #Thingy53 that will be eligible to win great prizes! 🏆
@Hacksterio @EdgeImpulse
[Video embedded in original tweet]
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/NordicTweets/status/1564552034161926145
RT from Nordic Semiconductor (@NordicTweets)
We've extended application deadline to August 16! Make sure to submit to get a #Thingy53 for developing your project idea for the Smarter Sustainable World Challenge! Create your project that reduces humans' ecological footprint! @Hacksterio @EdgeImpulse
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/NordicTweets/status/1557339725341548544
RT from Nordic Semiconductor (@NordicTweets)
Help us reduce our ecological footprint! Join our @Hacksterio "Smarter Sustainable World Challenge" and submit your innovative solution(s) using #Thingy53 and @EdgeImpulse for a chance to win a $2,000 gift card or a trip to @electronicaFair!
Apply for HW https://hubs.li/Q01g1Hx70👇
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/NordicTweets/status/1550045415931797504
RT from Nordic Semiconductor (@NordicTweets)
Help us combat climate change in our new @hackster challenge together with @EdgeImpulse! Create innovative solutions that reduce our ecological footprint utilizing the sensors and #Bluetooth connectivity of #Thingy53. Apply for free hardware!
https://hubs.li/Q01g1Hx70 #SDGs 👇
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/NordicTweets/status/1542845366776877056
RT from Jinger Zeng (@ZengJinger)
Another contest is now live on @Hacksterio hosted by @NordicTweets! Explore the all new #thingy53 #IoT platform, #tech for #sustainability!
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/ZengJinger/status/1542626955899465729
#thingy53 #iot #tech #sustainability
🏆 Create innovative solutions to reduce the ecological footprint on the environment by using the sensors and Bluetooth LTE connectivity of the new @NordicTweets #thingy53 multi-protocol IoT prototyping platform: https://bit.ly/NordicSustainWorld
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/Hacksterio/status/1542550314536128515