Foolish words come from foolish thoughts. Rather ignore this quote and do think before you speak 😂
#chenelno1 #thinkbeforeyouspeak #quoteoftheday2023 #foolishness #bewise
#chenelno1 #thinkbeforeyouspeak #quoteoftheday2023 #foolishness #bewise
A lot of people have opinions especially over social media were there aren't many consequences for their hurtful words. I really like this quote.
#chenelno1 #abrahamlincolnquotes #quoteoftheday2023 #wisdom #thinkbeforeyouspeak
#chenelno1 #abrahamlincolnquotes #quoteoftheday2023 #wisdom #thinkbeforeyouspeak
The axe forgets. The tree remembers. #ThinkBeforeYouSpeak #GentleParenting #CycleBreakers
#thinkbeforeyouspeak #gentleparenting #cyclebreakers
Them: Fox News didn't admit guilt, they opted to settle in order to avoid a costly lawsuit.
Me: You believe that #FoxNews was going to spend more than 787 million dollars over a 6 week trial?
When ignorance is high, arrogance will fly.
#IgnoranceBreedsArrogance #ArroganceAndIgnorance #KnowledgeIsPower #HumbleYourself #WisdomOverArrogance #ThinkBeforeYouSpeak #StayHumbleminded
#ignorancebreedsarrogance #arroganceandignorance #knowledgeispower #humbleyourself #wisdomoverarrogance #thinkbeforeyouspeak #stayhumbleminded
"We couldn't allow water balloons because the girls would cry if their hair got wet." -Heard at a sailing club.
Then they "apologized" because they realized that there was a girl there. She isn't yet part of the club, and that's probably not making her to want to join.
#sailing #sexism #thinkbeforeyouspeak
“You’re quiet,” said Bear.
“I’m just thinking,” said Rabbit.
“About what?” asked Bear.
“About all the things I could say, but don’t,” replied Rabbit.
“Why don’t you say them?” asked Bear. “You should always say what you need to say.”
“That’s the thing,” said Rabbit. “I don’t need to say everything I think.”
“Oh,” said Bear. “How so?”
“Well, if it’s not helpful, true or kind,” said Rabbit, “It doesn’t need to be said.”
©️Tara Shannon, 2023
#rabbitandbear #thinkbeforeyouspeak
#rabbitandbear #thinkbeforeyouspeak
PSA and please boost/reblog. Whenever you begin a response tae anur person with "I'm sorry you feel..." Stop right fucking there and think. Are you sorry that someone feels any particular way? Let me remind you lot that ALL FEELINGS ARE VALID. Most know that MAY nae be what you rmeant, but it IS what ye said. #courtesy #RingTheory #ThinkBeforeYouSpeak
#courtesy #ringtheory #thinkbeforeyouspeak
"If one breaks one's leg, they may have touble walking, patience and understanding is key. The same is true for the brain and communication."
You should have a field day with this piece. I had a very symptomatic day. Should I have contributed nothing?
#ableism #TBI #BrainInjury x2 #accommodation #acceptance #kindness #understanding #consideration #equality
#ableist #disability #InvisibleDisability #InvisibleDisabilityRights #ThinkBeforeYouSpeak.
#ableism #TBI #brainInjury #accommodation #acceptance #kindness #understanding #consideration #equality #ableist #disability #invisibledisability #InvisibleDisabilityRights #thinkbeforeyouspeak
How stupid do you have to be to refuse to replace months old masks because, "They are just as good as new ones."
Well everyone, those people are my parents.
Help reduce the spread of SARS-COVID19 by replacing old masks.
#StupidParents #COVID19 #MaskUp #ReduceTheSpread #facepalm #PeopleNotThinking #ThinkBeforeYouSpeak
#thinkbeforeyouspeak #peoplenotthinking #facepalm #reducethespread #MaskUp #COVID19 #stupidparents
I'm a firm believer that the word BUT should be minimally used in a person's vocabulary
I'm dont usually force my faith on others BUT
I'm not racist BUT
I'm not against [insert minority / culture] BUT
I didn't want to hit you BUT
We all know what usually follows those phrases.
It is no different for smaller issues.
I'm a firm believer that the word BUT should be minimally used in a person's vocabulary
I'm dont usually force my faith on others BUT
I'm not racist BUT
I'm not against [insert minority / culture] BUT
I didn't want to hit you BUT
We all know what usually follows those phrases.