Feb 22: Today is #Thinking Day! http://www.cute-calendar.com/40793 #ThinkingDay #holiday #event #observance
#thinking #thinkingday #holiday #event #observance
☘️ ⚜️ Joyeuse journée mondiale de la pensée !! ⚜️ ☘️
Tu tombes sur cette phrase ce 22 février sans comprendre ? 🤔
Laisse-nous te partager un brin d'histoire des Guides de France sur cette journée profondément forte et symbolique dans le monde du scoutisme et du guidisme 😃
#ThinkingDay #scoutisme #JournéeDeLaPensée #guidisme #GdF #scouting #guiding
#thinkingday #scoutisme #journeedelapensee #guidisme #gdf #scouting #guiding
It's world thinking day... so with no further ado, wrap your thinking caps round this wise Wednesday quiz.
Answer below on the comments. We'll reveal the answer later on.
#wisewednesday #quiz #trivia #think #thinking #thinkingday #worldthinkingday #bursa #whatdoesitdo #howitworks #body #anatomy
#wisewednesday #quiz #trivia #think #thinking #thinkingday #worldthinkingday #bursa #whatdoesitdo #howitworks #body #anatomy
22. Feb: Heute ist #Thinking Day! http://www.kleiner-kalender.de/101759 #ThinkingDay #event