RT @LarmoSimo
Uusi slogan Salon Kaupungille; ”Maaseutukylien Suur-Salo”. Ja Salon kärkihankkeeksi se että tehdään siitä elintavikeviennin ykkös alue/ruokaklusteri alue. Alettaisiin tosissaan hyödyntämään oikeaa potentiaalia @Salonkaupunki @VSyrittajat #thinkingoutofthebox #elintarvikevienti
#thinkingoutofthebox #elintarvikevienti
Ich habe mich von meiner Freundin LISP getrennt,
sie hat zu doll geklammert.
#scheme #scala #erlang #haskell #ocaml #esml #smalltalk80 #simula #prolog #c #java #javascript #php #VisualBasic #perl #LogoTurtle #R #RStudio ... #python
#scheme #scala #erlang #haskell #ocaml #esml #smalltalk80 #simula #prolog #c #java #javascript #php #visualbasic #perl #logoturtle #r #rstudio #python #thinkingoutofthebox
Today's Exhibit A in university shortsightedness: Spoke to colleague at another university, who does climate-related science. He is currently 60% uni and 40% climate startup. His university has told him he has two years and then has to choose between academia and the startup. ARGHH. The world has huge problems that university knowledge can help solve & univeristy students/research need exposure to the real world. The world needs more of this, not less! #universities #ThinkingOutOfTheBox #madness
#madness #thinkingoutofthebox #universities
”The impossible mate in one” #ThinkingOutOfTheBox #schaken #chess #MateInOne #MatInEenZet
Welke zet moet wit doen om de zwarte koning mat te zetten?
#thinkingoutofthebox #schaken #chess #mateinone #matineenzet
@ai6yr @Squish Maybe consider a few Guinea Hens or Chickens to roam the yard and knock down the local insect population. #thinkingoutofthebox