Operation "Cowboy", die verbotene deutsch-amerikanische Mission im 2. Weltkrieg um eine seltene Pferderasse zu retten (und ein Korsare-Prinz half auch noch mit)
did you know <meta http-equiv="origin-trial" ../>
#thinksyoudontknow #html #html5 #Metatags #webdevelopment
> dark mode is that it can reduce battery usage. Users with OLED screens can enjoy the ability to turn off black pixels and save energy. You don't even need to use pure black, dark grays also enjoy decreased power usage. For example, Google's recommended surface color #121212 uses just 0.3% more power than pure black.
#thinksyoudontknow #darkmode #energy #web #css #webdevelopment
the CSS list item counter an start at a specific index
#CSS #HTML5 #webdevelopment #frontend #frontendev #frontenddevelopment #htmlemail #emailtemplate
#thinksyoudontknow #css #html5 #webdevelopment #frontend #frontendev #frontenddevelopment #htmlemail #emailtemplate
die Schufa wird verkauft
ja richtig gelesen
das ist eine Aktiengesellschaft