@RustyCrab @sevvie I'd struggle to finish a single pack of fries and a burger
Driving when #npr "thin privilege comes from white heteeo-mormative something or other."
I could have #thinprivilege @ 6'1" 255ish according to #FatActivist Virginia S. Smith. &
Even @ #333 #notaJoke before discovering #NoAgenda #diet On my way to 190# so I can really enjoy thin privilege! ;)
Virginia who describes herself as "small fat" & enjoys a fair amount of thin privileges says to NOT tell kids "you can't have junk food or too many treats" #wwjd What would JCD do/say
#npr #thinprivilege #fatactivist #notajoke #noagenda #diet #wwjd #confused
#ThinPrivilege is a well-made, supportive, cute, cheap and/or commercially-available bra."
Accurate, and that goes for most clothing.
There's this underwear / bra maker going around the #Facebook #advertisement rounds that screams about it being #plussize #inclusive (the sizes they mention go up quite high so I was thrilled), but when you look at their line, what you notice is that the #thin people get all of the adorable designs, and the #fat people are relegated to solid colors that are various shades of beige, brown, grey, and black.
And a lot of the sizes that cater to larger folks are almost always sold out. (Sidebar side-eye over to OldNavy as well on this one, you'd think by now you'd recognize if your 3x and 4x sizes sell out quickly, MAKE MORE OF THEM at a time, because I sure can't seem to catch any of them in-stock in a timely manner).
This is a thin-privilege in action; well, Thin Privilege Item #4562 anyway... there are so many other items to talk about.
#thinprivilege #facebook #advertisement #plussize #inclusive #thin #fat #Fatphobia
Y'all #thin people do👏not👏understand👏what's going on with your #fat friends. Seriously.
Yes, #Thinprivilege is being held to a lower dress and grooming standards to look 'acceptable', and no, your fat friends are not OK, because we're out here missing out on jobs, opportunities, connections, clothes/shoes/accessories, proper health care (not #weight-centric health care, which is NOT the same) friends, even family, because of #discrimination.
#thin #fat #thinprivilege #weight #discrimination #Fatphobia