Inertia · @inertia
7 followers · 249 posts · Server

@RustyCrab @sevvie I'd struggle to finish a single pack of fries and a burger


Last updated 1 year ago

griz grokz not · @griz
49 followers · 454 posts · Server

Driving when "thin privilege comes from white heteeo-mormative something or other."

I could have @ 6'1" 255ish according to Virginia S. Smith. &
Even @ #333 before discovering On my way to 190# so I can really enjoy thin privilege! ;)

Virginia who describes herself as "small fat" & enjoys a fair amount of thin privileges says to NOT tell kids "you can't have junk food or too many treats" What would JCD do/say

#npr #thinprivilege #fatactivist #notajoke #noagenda #diet #wwjd #confused

Last updated 2 years ago

Nesi 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
162 followers · 363 posts · Server

is a well-made, supportive, cute, cheap and/or commercially-available bra."

Accurate, and that goes for most clothing.

There's this underwear / bra maker going around the rounds that screams about it being (the sizes they mention go up quite high so I was thrilled), but when you look at their line, what you notice is that the people get all of the adorable designs, and the people are relegated to solid colors that are various shades of beige, brown, grey, and black.

And a lot of the sizes that cater to larger folks are almost always sold out. (Sidebar side-eye over to OldNavy as well on this one, you'd think by now you'd recognize if your 3x and 4x sizes sell out quickly, MAKE MORE OF THEM at a time, because I sure can't seem to catch any of them in-stock in a timely manner).

This is a thin-privilege in action; well, Thin Privilege Item #4562 anyway... there are so many other items to talk about.

#thinprivilege #facebook #advertisement #plussize #inclusive #thin #fat #Fatphobia

Last updated 2 years ago

Nesi :verified: 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
154 followers · 320 posts · Server

Y'all people do👏not👏understand👏what's going on with your friends. Seriously.

Yes, is being held to a lower dress and grooming standards to look 'acceptable', and no, your fat friends are not OK, because we're out here missing out on jobs, opportunities, connections, clothes/shoes/accessories, proper health care (not -centric health care, which is NOT the same) friends, even family, because of .


#thin #fat #thinprivilege #weight #discrimination #Fatphobia

Last updated 2 years ago