Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️ · @IAmDannyBoling
599 followers · 11077 posts · Server mstdn.social

She said that the group is "working with a broad range of orgs to stop No Labels from running a 3rd-party ticket."

ooo those big bad 3rd-party monsters are so scary! 😒 Here's an idea: let people for who they want.

Dems’ mission to stop a presidential bid hits the Hill
" from MoveOn and Third Way are planning to brief chiefs of staff about the risk it could pose to Pres "

#iamdb #Biden #dems #senate #centrist #progressive #officials #thirdParty #Vote #presidential #dem

Last updated 1 year ago

Rob Tischer · @robonecon
162 followers · 1581 posts · Server mstdn.social

This is a good theme. deciding to equate and when their goals are completely different. I'm not convinced that is malevolent, but they have turned into . What is also clear is that a in the is a non-starter, so need a sub-party (perhaps without the word or as part of the identifier, and without identifiers like ) of the . rawstory.com/raw-investigates/

#democraticparty #progressive #socialism #socialist #democrats #USA #thirdParty #clickwhores #conservatives #liberals #msm

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Feinstein · @mikefeinstein
15 followers · 13 posts · Server mstdn.social

What is it like to build independent progressive political party in U.S.? Hear panel of 2022 candidates reflect on their campaigns:
Matthew Hoh, NC, US Senate
Robin Harris, FL State House of Representatives
Cody Hannah, Chandler, AZ, City Council
Douglas Lary, Registrar of Voters, Windham, CT
Mike Feinstein, Moderator, former Green Mayor, Santa Monica, CA

#VoteGreenParty #votegreen #duopoly #thirdParty #greenpartyus #greenparty

Last updated 2 years ago

Craig Lawton · @starsky
15 followers · 43 posts · Server mstdn.social

I strongly believe we need a third political party.

Clearly the two party system does not adequately capture the wide range of views (even within a given party) and seems to disenfranchise many independent voters (a recent Gallup poll found that as many as 76% of independent voters would support a third party).

Of greater concern, however is that each party has been weaponized against one another in a battle to the death.


#tribal #thirdParty

Last updated 2 years ago

(2/2)…they beat the into (the are generally in this category, and you'll see them speak in the language of to the same drum-beat as the ).

For those parties that are not controlled by corporate interests. They are simply ignored. If they can be in a single sentence they may do that, but even that is rare.

They may gather on the by staging , but won't air the .


#majorParties #ridiculed #intel #minorParty #interviews #interview #thirdParty #compliance #AustralianGreens #identitypolitics

Last updated 4 years ago


The US also desperately needs (aka voting).

For more info, did a good video on the topic a year or so ago.

If you don't get , you can then vote for a candidate - completely !

#preferetialVoting #rankChoice #jimmydore #bernie #thirdParty #guiltfree

Last updated 5 years ago