🔬 Discover how to turn your scientific discoveries into real-world products and services that benefit society!
📍 HT's Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer is organising a one-day training course on #techtransfer and #ThirdMission in the #lifesciences.
🧐 In partnership with Netval and IUSS Pavia.
Register by 28th June 👉 https://humantechnopole.it/en/trainings/technology-transfer-for-beginners-from-scratch-to-millions/
#techtransfer #thirdmission #lifesciences #humantechnopole #Science #sciencemastodon
Ein Klick auf dieses großartige Projekt und seine Webseite lohnt auch weiterhin: Hier ist geballtes Wissen zur #ThirdMission, also dem Wissens- und Technologie-#Transfer zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und Politik gesammelt.