@endDRM on controversial #WebEnvironmentIntegrity #WEI proposal
"Many of us have grown up with a specific idea of the Internet, the notion of it as a collection of hyperlinked pages that can be accessed by a wide variety of different machines, programs, and operating systems. WEI is this idea's antithesis"
"Before serving a web page, a server can ask a #ThirdParty "verification" service to make sure that the user's browsing environment has not been "tampered" with"
#webenvironmentintegrity #wei #thirdparty
Do you think RFK Jr voters will pinch their noses and #VoteGreen in 2024? #rfkjr #cornelwest #thirdparty
#VoteGreen #rfkjr #cornelwest #thirdparty
Robert Reich tells it absolutely clear: #thirdparty groups are in effect front groups for Trump in 2024, and should be treated as such. No Labels, no fables, no betrayals—All Americans who believe in #democracy must unite behind Joe #Biden. https://robertreich.substack.com/p/no-fables-no-labels-is-a-trump-front
"Let me be absolutely clear. Third-party groups such as No Labels and the Green Party are in effect front groups for Trump in 2024, and should be treated as such. …
As long as the anti-Trump vote is unified behind Biden, Trump cannot win, as Biden demonstrated in 2020.
But if a third-party candidate takes even a small part of the anti-Trump vote away from Biden, Trump is likely to be returned to the White House."
~ Robert Reich
#ThirdParty #NoLabels #GreenParty
#thirdparty #nolabels #greenparty
Want to try out MÖRKTOBER this year but not sure where to start with MÖRK BORG? This week's Skeleton Code Machine covers the third-party license, art & design, generators, inspiration, and community links.
This week at Skeleton Code Machine, we look at resources for making things dark, depressing, and weird: https://www.skeletoncodemachine.com/p/making-stuff-for-mork-borg
#ttrpg #rpg #morkborg #MÖRKBORG #ttrpgdesign #rpgdesign #thirdparty #MÖRKTOBER #dark #weird #darkfantasy #monthly #challenge #inktober #cy_borg #pirateborg
#ttrpg #rpg #MorkBorg #ttrpgDesign #rpgdesign #thirdparty #morktober #dark #weird #darkfantasy #monthly #challenge #inktober #CY_BORG #PirateBorg
Tomorrow's Skeleton Code Machine is a crash course in making compatible content for MÖRK BORG.
I unfortunately had to cut some images for post length, so enjoy this one that didn't make it. Toot toot.
Subscribe: https://www.skeletoncodemachine.com/
#morkborg #MÖRKBORG #cy_borg #MÖRKTOBER #rpg #ttrpg #SRD #compatible #license #thirdparty
#MorkBorg #CY_BORG #morktober #rpg #ttrpg #SRD #compatible #license #thirdparty
I got # more feats left, but kinda dreading the last one.
Then why do you want to do it?
It's super cool!
So why are you dreading it?
It's got 15 parts.
You'll see ;)
#pathfinder #thirdparty #amwriting
#pathfinder #thirdparty #amwriting
What is the ratio of writing to naming the "elements" you've written?
#amwriting #pathfinder #ttrpg #thirdparty #3pp
#amwriting #pathfinder #ttrpg #thirdparty #3pp
My Material Mastery for Implements book hit Copper! If someone is gonna imitate skymetals or some of your classics metal in their routines, you know it's gonna be that zany Thaumaturges!
Think I'm gonna celebrate by RPing tonight talking about why my dragon is metal obsessed. Which arose because of the book research, so wrote it into the backstory. Tonight, let's see if my buddy asks the right questions to hear it all.
#pathfinder #thirdparty #3pp #ttrpg
I have been a big fan of the Apollo app. That was the best place to get the most out of the Reddit experience. As a company, I would have loved it if Reddit had invested in the Appollo app instead of blocking their API access for third-party clients. The native Reddit app has always sucked, and it still does. #reddit #apollo #thirdparty #redditclients #betteroptions
#reddit #apollo #thirdparty #redditclients #betteroptions
#Elections #ThirdParty #ThomHartmann
"This is apparently not lost on sour-grapes Jill Stein, by the way; she’s reportedly helping run Cornell West’s 2024 Green Party candidacy. It’s also not lost on the Democrat-hating folks at No Labels, who have pledged to put up a candidate for president (presumably Joe Manchin) in 2024."
#elections #thirdparty #thomhartmann
#Elections #ThirdParty #ThomHartmann
"(In Michigan she got 51,463 votes and Trump won by 10,704; in Pennsylvania she won 49,678 versus Trump’s margin of 46,765; and in Wisconsin Stein carried 31,006 votes but Trump only won by 22,177.)"
". . . had liberals not voted for Ralph Nader in Florida in 2000, Al Gore would have become president . . . had people in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin not voted for Jill Stein in 2016, Hillary Clinton would have become president"
#elections #thirdparty #thomhartmann
#Elections #ThirdParty #ThomHartmann
"(In Michigan she got 51,463 votes and Trump won by 10,704; in Pennsylvania she won 49,678 versus Trump’s margin of 46,765; and in Wisconsin Stein carried 31,006 votes but Trump only won by 22,177.)"
". . . had liberals not voted for Ralph Nader in Florida in 2000, Al Gore would have become president . . . had people in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin not voted for Jill Stein in 2016, Hillary Clinton would have become president"
#elections #thirdparty #thomhartmann
#Elections #ThirdParty #ThomHartmann
"For example, in Florida in 2000, Ralph Nader on the Green Party’s ticket got 97,488 votes, while George W. Bush “won” Florida by 537 votes."
In 2016 "Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin provided Trump’s margin of victory in the Electoral College over Hillary Clinton, and, in each of those states, [Jill] Stein pulled more votes than Trump’s margin."
#elections #thirdparty #thomhartmann
#Elections #ThirdParty #ThomHartmann
". . . third parties almost always act as spoilers, drawing votes away from the major party to which they’re most closely aligned. People who vote Green, for example, generally would have voted Democratic, thus reducing that party’s vote; people who vote Libertarian would have voted Republican with the same effect."
#elections #thirdparty #thomhartmann
Are you sick of seeing videos on #pathfinder core previews opinions?
Want to just enjoy and celebrate #thirdparty content?
Then check out the Pathfinder Infinite Megabundle rundown! The sale still has a few more days and this is a great way to learn all about the 25 products, which you can snag for the low low price of only $19.99!
We need a strong actual #leftist #thirdparty in the #unitedstates.
#universalhealthcare #singlepayer #MedicareForAll #democrats #republicans
#leftist #thirdparty #unitedstates #universalhealthcare #singlepayer #medicareforall #democrats #republicans
#GenCon may be done, but the show isn't over.
Come take a peek the #pathfinder #starfinder Infinite Megabundle!
$19.99 for 25 new #thirdparty #3pp products ready to drop onto your favorite #paizoverse #ttrpg tables.
#GenCon #pathfinder #starfinder #thirdparty #3pp #paizoverse #ttrpg