IHC · @IHChistory
343 followers · 633 posts · Server masto.pt

Na próxima terça-feira, dia 12, é inaugurada a exposição "Travailleurs Portugais et Espagnols dans le IIIe Reich (1940-1945)", resultado do projecto .

Estará patente na Université Paris VIII Vincennes - Saint-Denis até 2 de Outubro.

A inauguração será precedida pela mesa-redonda “Mémoire douloureuse et citoyenneté“.

ℹ️ ihc.fcsh.unl.pt/events/travail

#forced #histodons #historyinthepublicsphere #forcedlabour #thirdreich #historyexhibitions #secondworldwar #historianaesferapublica #trabalhoforcado

Last updated 1 year ago

IHC · @IHChistory
342 followers · 619 posts · Server masto.pt

🆕 On 12 September, the exhibition "Travailleurs Portugais et Espagnols dans le IIIe Reich (1940-1945)", the result of the European project , will be inaugurated at the Université Paris 8.

The event will be attended by the Secretary of State for Democratic Memory (Spain), Fernando Martínez Lopez, and the President of the Portuguese Parliament, Augusto Santos Silva.

👉 Read the full story on our website: ihc.fcsh.unl.pt/en/forced-proj


#forced #histodons #historyinthepublicsphere #thirdreich

Last updated 1 year ago

Johan | PD1JMB · @dynode
245 followers · 3579 posts · Server mas.to

Not surprising at all, this series of YouTube videos from is great stuff that leaves you wanting more...


#history #thirdreich #hitler #markfelton

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
139 followers · 3178 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Tiny D minions tweet, delete bizarre video with symbol
This video was weird and sad even before it ended with that imagery.

#nazi #desantis #campaign #thirdreich

Last updated 1 year ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
761 followers · 20018 posts · Server todon.eu

: A Warning To Save From the Next
by (former Chief Of Staff at The Dept of Homeland Security)


Taylor speaks to

'A second term of Trump would equal the ' said many including ex-Trump officials, etc.

When more people SPEAK OUT it lowers the price of

#blowback #democracy #trump #MilesTaylor #nyt #thirdreich #fascism #authoritarianism #trumpism #dissent #jonathancapehart

Last updated 1 year ago

IHC · @IHChistory
279 followers · 324 posts · Server masto.pt

No âmbito do projecto "FORCED — Portuguese and Spanish Forced Labourers under National Socialism: History, Memory and Citizenship", o IHC e a Associação de Professores de História vão promover duas sessões de formação com Cláudia Ninhos. As inscrições já estão a decorrer!

- Porto, 20 de Maio: bit.ly/3K1i22j
- Lisboa, 27 de Maio: bit.ly/3nc9s7Q

#histodons #forcedlabour #thirdreich #training

Last updated 1 year ago

DW English - Deutsche Welle · @dw
2144 followers · 2089 posts · Server mas.to
IHC · @IHChistory
277 followers · 318 posts · Server masto.pt

No dia 22, é inaugurada, na Université Paris VIII Vincennes - Saint-Denis, a exposição "Travailleurs Portugais et Espagnols dans le IIIe Reich (1940-1945)".

Esta exposição foi organizada no âmbito do projeto “FORCED — Portuguese and Spanish Forced Labourers Under National Socialism: History, Memory and Citizenship”.

ℹ️ bit.ly/3TqHfGp

#histodons #historyexhibitions #forcedlabour #thirdreich #nazis #concentrationcamps #scicomm

Last updated 1 year ago

Dr. Med Johannes M. ✅ · @dr_jo_mue
288 followers · 1151 posts · Server troet.cafe
Bleak Future · @bleakfuture
1187 followers · 2163 posts · Server home.social

As the continues the march toward our citizens are under attack.

This despicable fear of is a futile attempt for to further entrench itself into law.

It will not work, but neither did the - that doesn’t lessen the devastation they were allowed to inflict on communities.

It’s time to stand - they’re attacking all fronts. We must repel and shame them forever.

Quoting @ProPublica: newsie.social/@ProPublica/1099

#us #theocracy #lgbtq #otherness #whitesupremacy #thirdreich #marginalized #retoot

Last updated 1 year ago

Let's go to the 3DBB. · @Dbregernyc
240 followers · 1071 posts · Server masthead.social

I started with going deep on (set off by his co-write, with , on ) and that led me , first as actor then director and producer, then and the whole genre made in Germany beginning in the silent 1920's and continuing through WWII, with the consent of the . is here as is and , all in German. Have any of you been this way? Any tips?

#filmnerds #antonwalbrook #zoltankorda #lubitsch #thirdreich #viennafilms #gezavonbolvary #williforst #ninotchka #billywilder #walterreisch

Last updated 1 year ago

Justis4u1 · @Justis4u1
2 followers · 165 posts · Server mastodon.social

Under @ZelenskyyUa's rule, has gone back to the where mob rule is often practised where they act as judge and jury and inflict punishment on any they want to accuse of cooperating with
RT @greekegoi
Why is this not in the BBC News😡 twitter.com/DrLoupis/status/16

#zionist #NaziUkraine #thirdreich #ukrainians #russia

Last updated 1 year ago

DW English - Deutsche Welle · @dw
1966 followers · 1515 posts · Server mas.to
demï7en 🎗 · @demi7en
34 followers · 1280 posts · Server infosec.exchange

re: nations being unsalvagable

@toomas_ilves @glynmoody

Walter, but you can't impose (the "struggle of overcoming the past" in post-Nazi Germany; kind of ) upon mentally infertile population from outside by simply asking "pretty please?".

And despite paranoia / propaganda, *no-one* is willing to "go in and make them".

For centuries the crime (of colonialist ) paid off royally; the thug, military brass and ruler classes profited, but even the serf masses felt they weren't the *worst-off" people in the empire — the colonized "minorities" were.

The will to embrace civilization must come from inside, but for that to even be possible, must return its loot: the colonies to the native colonial subjects and other violently stolen territories. Otherwise it'll be once again "fuck this eternal cesspool, let's go and steal from neighbours who have plumbing and indoor toilets and everything...!"

OTOH was shocking exactly because it arose and took hold within a population with deep roots to . And even there the lustration wasn't a complete success: there is a 'thriving' neonazi 'community' and German industrialists couldn't be more eager to collaborate with (genocidal and expansionist) despots... foreign ones will do if none are available domestically...


#vergangenheitsbewaltigung #lustration #ruscist #expansionism #muscovia #german #thirdreich #hochkultur #russia #Ruscism #nazism #imperialism #colonialism

Last updated 1 year ago

demï7en 🎗 · @demi7en
34 followers · 1280 posts · Server infosec.exchange

re: How to talk about China?


and people(s) — incl. the colonized peoples — have been harnessed by the parasitic to serve its paramount need to *stay in power*. That includes systematic eradication of their crimes from historical records and public debate while flooding the 'market' with synthetic propaganda.

Is the latter welcome? For several decades now the crimes against humanity part has been whitewashed with euphemisms as the CCP was elevated to the status of *normalized* business partner. All the while "biding time and hiding strength"; it's objective of defeating democracy and liberalism remaining at the heart of its planning.

After the legitimacy of *actual* communism failed, the CCP seamlessly morphed into a 19th century-inspired national-socialist dictatorship. It is no coincidence that the CCP adopted from as its new foundation; i.e. the excuse for its very dictatorship.

When talking about this new post-1989 CCP and its empire (in a sense a return to China's imperial roots), the key histocal comparisons should be made to and the wannabe empires, the former now under fully re-animated and in "no limits" cahoots with the CCP...

So, "does mainstream discourse focus too much on the (expansionist Chinese dictatorship's) political system"?

Do we need more fluffy pandas, flippancy, subsized exports and dancing natives from its colonies? The developing world is essentially a virgin territory for CCP's propaganda while even in the industrialized the historical understanding of military-expansionist is evaporating.

#china #chinese #neverelected #ccp #dictatorship #legalism #nazi #thirdreich #hansupremacist #soviet #russian #nazigermany #imperialjapan #putin #tiktok #democracies #imperialism

Last updated 1 year ago

IHC · @IHChistory
266 followers · 271 posts · Server masto.pt

🆕 Depois de passar pelo Centro Cultural de Belém, Loulé e Vila Nova de Famalicão, a exposição “Trabalhadores Forçados Portugueses no III Reich” chegou, enriquecida, à Assembleia da República, onde estará patente até 24 de Fevereiro.


#nuncaesquecer #forcedlabour #concentrationcamps #nazism #portuguesevictims #thirdreich #histodons #historyexhibitions

Last updated 2 years ago

I once had a German friend who taught courses on the in an Australian university. Before he died, he warned me not to believe the were dead: ‘They are only hiding,’ he said, ‘waiting for an opportune moment to re-emerge.’ At the time, I found the idea difficult to comprehend. Tragically, my friend was right. (continued)

#Fascism #extremism #nazis #thirdreich

Last updated 2 years ago

One of books I discuss with @claremulley on the next episode of is 'The Women Who Flew for Hitler' which is the incredible story of Hanna Reitsch and Melitta von Stauffenberg who were test pilots for the . Find out more next Monday.

#TheComfortableSpot #podcast #thirdreich

Last updated 2 years ago

Tanquist · @tanquist
41 followers · 769 posts · Server masto.ai

@Danaintq Even the storybook version of US history I learned in the 1970s acknowledged racism. The GOP is looking more and more like the .


Last updated 2 years ago