Cheryl Furse · @CherylFurse
21 followers · 462 posts · Server

A new should have at least this graphics quality and physics like in this film. It shouldn't be also a problem to have monster Sims like 64x64 with 60 fps for normal computer and never again just 16 bit objects as Lego mesh.

#metaverse #vr #virtualreality #sl #secondlife #opensim #thirdroom #visionpro

Last updated 1 year ago

Olm-e · @olm_e
874 followers · 1512 posts · Server

I'm still quite shocked and pissed off by this bad news : the layoff of the team and indefinite pause on the project, due to lack of funds ... : apparently the main funds providers are diverting their attention from one hype to another (metaverse to AI) while there are actual productive usecases for the tech developed already (but needs some brushing)
and @EU_Commission @EC_DIGIT @EC_NGI funds are totally not adequate to support this :/ what a waste 🥶

#thirdroom #vr #ar #metaverse #FLOSS #libre

Last updated 1 year ago

Cheryl Furse · @CherylFurse
19 followers · 428 posts · Server


educational purposes? You are kidding, right?

The only school I know is on AMV where you get lessons for Blender or scripting or such in this way. So you learn there how to create own stuff. But it is all basic knowledge and no one in opensim is developer anymore for the software itself. There is still Dan who is owner of Lbsa in OSgrid but for further development there is no one anymore. Everyone who runs grids uses Dreamgrid and Fred is the developer but this all doesn't really matter anymore. The server side is not really a problem. Everyone can have great working grids on his computer at home. Many have more than one grid running. I know some who run 3 grids at the same time. Of course, they use different alts as owner lol

Jimmy has also Decadence grid on one server and var sims of OSgrid on another server at home. So he runs several different. Of course, the server for decadence Grid is most powerful. It works great.

But there are no developers for Firestorm or other viewer, who really make a game changer. It is all still depending on openGL and you get no more complexity inworld than 16 bit objects.

Some even said that LindenLabs forced Firestorm not to make performance better for it. The Software is anyway 95 % of the SL viewer and just added some cosmetics. If you compare actually SL viewer with Firestorm viewer you see in SL the difference. The SL viewer is better. Although with the last update of Firestorm it has better performance too. I would estimate 30 % better than before. But still less than the SL viewer.

How many Grids are online will change anyway. You can run a grid just for the time you are online by yourself only. So it is hard to estimate how many grids are really there. A friend is just bringing her grid online when she is online with her friend together.

How many real persons are in Opensim? @jupiter_rowland would say now thousands and would show you computer statistics from a journalist.

Some say just 100. I estimate about 200 with each 100 alts lol

I have 7 alts by myself. From different grids but same name and all avis look the same. But I just use 2 or 3 at the same time. When I'm looking on Lbsa I have still my other avi at home. Most do this. And perhaps have other avis in addition at their home for traffic because they have a beacon and to be shown in traffic charts with 2 or 3 people lol

We have no beacon and it doesn't matter because we find it is ridiculous to show off in top 10 charts of traffic just with 3 people. In SL it is nothing.

You have in HBC in Secondlife 24/7 more real people than in whole opensim I would estimate. In HBC (Heavy Bondage Club) there are 24/7 250 people and you have to take a ticket to stay there for an hour. lol

In Opensim you have a good chance to explore all the thousands of sims and won't meet anyone there. And if you meet one then he is AFK lol

About Kitely Market I can't say anything because I was just first there and saw what quality is sold there. First I had no clue how to build things and all was magic for me. Now I know that things there are not really skilled new buildings. If you just change texture and put an AV Sitter 2.2 in a carpet then you should not really call it your own creation and demand real money for it. It is ridiculous what some people think they would be creative builders. If they are really that good then they should go in Secondlife and sell there things. But I bet no one would pay anything for it or want to have it.

The only thing that really matters for new creations is to script things. But in opensim are not really professionals. Last time I was on a sim that advertised on OSW that it has new things. The scripts were from 2014 and 2011. Very new.

When I came to Opensim I was asking for RLV things. Because of Hypergridding many things don't work. Just on own grid but not when you HG. So most people just build their Lego sims and are happy with it to take nice pics of their landscape and that's all. We don't have even great drifting cars or such because our physics doesn't work for it.

So opensim is just a bad copy of second life and won't be developed out of its own further.

I hoped for but the 3 developers take a break now. So there is no alternative right now.


Last updated 1 year ago

Cheryl Furse · @CherylFurse
18 followers · 411 posts · Server

OMG All three developers of take a break or even won't work further on it.
so sad 😞


Last updated 1 year ago

Cheryl Furse · @CherylFurse
17 followers · 346 posts · Server

On there are several rooms you can talk about different like or which is based on Matrix anyway.

Thirdroom has almost 600 members there. From time to time there are some suggestions how to make things better and developers take this for creating scripts in their work for thirdroom.

If you want to use Matrix then you can download Element as app and explore what kind of rooms there are you could be interested in.

#matrix #metaverse #opensim #secondlife #thirdroom

Last updated 1 year ago

Cheryl Furse · @CherylFurse
12 followers · 239 posts · Server


yes is really heavy.
But isn't BSD a unix system? MacOS is a Unix with Darwin on top I thought.

Linux is developed for Intel Computer from Linus. But all other computers use a unix system I thought. We had at university also big computers with Unix but not running with Intel Chips.

Linux is for Intel PCs I always thought.

But I'm tech blondine. Just talk now what other people told me. Had not even a clue that I have a terminal in my MacOS I never used lol

Now I know how to unzip big files with terminal. Or how to get on Grids when banned there with MAC Adresse lol and pretend to be a windows computer lol

Since I'm in I became a total Nerd lol All is not working how it should work and you have to be creative to cheat and hack then lol Unusual for Mac Users who are used to that all works how it should (and even intuitive for dummies)

Yes to the servers Dame told us also to use Debian without any graphic surface. Just to use terminal. But Jimmy and I have no clue about unix coding and all that.

The Decadence Grid works fine and I test out now with big City Life how much you can do with opensim.

I think 7x7 sim with 100 GB stuff and tons of scripts will be the limit. For me anyway with my MacBook Air. But loading fast enough all the stuff is really at the limit even for Jimmy with his gamer computer. For him it is the same as for my MacBook.

Server capacity is not a problem but firestorm is the problem. It still thinks we live in computer stone age of 8 bit. You see it also if you want to import great 3D Models from Blender. No chance. Even if you hacked Firestorm for parsing issues. You can only import Playmobil Lego Models. Not nice new things.

OpenGL is anyway stone age technology of 30 years.

If opensim should have a chance to live the next 10 years then Firestorm has to be remade completely. And also made for M1 and M2 Processors. Mac gets power from CPU GPU and not from graphic cards that need 250 watt and more.

My whole MacBook just needs 8 Watt for normal stuff. I run firestorm over an emulator Rosetta that pretends as if my MacBook is an Intel Computer. Is all not really uptodate in Secondlife and Opensim. Even for Secondlife you don't get a Viewer for M Processor. And my MacBook Air is already 3 years old. After 3 years it is not possible to build software for M1 processor?

I guess there is no developer existing anymore who is interested in this technology anymore. Is too old.

Jimmy was already in the 90s in when Aerosmith and David Bowie promoted it. He had - by the way - also his own "decadence" instance there like now the decadence grid in OS. He showed me how it looked at that time. Not different to 20 years ago. Is also same technology.

I look forward to VisionPro. A complete new computer without keyboard, mouse and screen.

This will be fantastic and hopefully will use VisionPro. By the way thirdroom works best with Safari. It works well with Firefox too but Safari seems to be the first choice. Perhaps a hint? We will see.

#opensim #thirdroom #secondlife

Last updated 1 year ago

Cheryl Furse · @CherylFurse
11 followers · 183 posts · Server

Put more animesh on the 7x7 sim now. Have about 200 already. Will be 300 when finished. Stil not changed the 8 NPCs. But don't let them run 24/7. Just two of them. The 5 band members on stage in Central Park as NPCs I wil only switch on when someone comes for visit (which is rarely the case lol)

9 cars are driving on routes around the sim 24/7 and I will reduce the speed to half for some cars. Not all cars. The cars driving on highway on left lane will drive full speed. So only the cars that drive on right lane on highway will drive half speed.

The trains I don't let drive anymore 24/7 and they should drive just in first gear too. Not full speed.

The 7x7 sim is too big with all the 100 GB stuff on it to load all fast enough when driving.

It is absolute limit on capacity for performance on sim. As long as my MacBook is doing well to enjoy it, it is ok and people with gamer computers will have no problems with speed. But also with loading (building up houses and such) at high speed.

For people with older computers it won't be possible anymore to enjoy it. A friend has an Intel Macbook from 2020 and she has just framerate of 1 on . That's not really joyful to experience my sim.

If you have a Gamer computer with new big Nvidia Graphic Card that takes alone 250 watt then you can enjoy it smooth fluently in movie quality. But you have still the problem that assets are not building up fast enough.

SL and OS is 30 years old stone age technology. So the limit you reach very fast in what you can do.

Importing nice new 3 D Models from Blender is also a problem because Firestorm seems to be used to old 8 bit computer stone age standards. You have to hack Firestorm to import things not to get parsing issues. And those are not really complex 3 D Modells. Is still Lego Playmobil too.

All great complex with much LOD objects you can't import in OS with Firestorm. I deleted already tons of 3D models on my HD I wanted to import from Blender. No chance to get it in (or )

I really look forward to apple's VisionPro. Then hopefully we get new Metaverse with that could have graphics easily like in new videogames like resident evil. And all in 3D movie quality with headset.

This will be great.

#bigcitylife #opensim #secondlife #thirdroom

Last updated 1 year ago

Cheryl Furse · @CherylFurse
8 followers · 142 posts · Server


VisionOS is own OS. Vision Pro is own computer with 2 CPU and you don't need a Mac for it.

Vision Pro is not just a headset.

What you will need is then mass of database storage for VR. This will come then from clouds I bet.

Asset database clouds will be then useless for any other system than Vision OS the Vision Pro works with.

Or you let VR run over an Internet browser like Safari or Firefox like is doing already. Then it doesn't matter what OS you have. But then you can only use Vision OS for the headset and there you have Safari anyway installed. For real VR like the feeling you have already with Vision Pro then you don't need any other computer than the Vision Pro because this IS already the computer. Not a headset.


Last updated 1 year ago

Cheryl Furse · @CherylFurse
8 followers · 136 posts · Server

Cybertruck is parking at Park avenue where now also supercharger are placed for all the new electric cars in . Special racing version.

Many problems to get all the 3D Models in Blender to and it seems there need to be many hacks and tricks to get them in. In Blender it looks all fine but then Firestorm doesn't want it.

Firestorm seems to be much too restrictive and seems to be still thinking we are living in a 8 bit world. lol

It is a 30 years old technology. What can I say?

and are for dinos. Computer stone age lol

Hopefully will work then with of apple.

#bigcitylife #opensim #secondlife #thirdroom #visionpro

Last updated 1 year ago

Cheryl Furse · @CherylFurse
8 followers · 114 posts · Server


Oh shit. This is not much. Just 8 MB mesh. Then i can't upload the models in OS or SL. My great Toyota Supra has 38 MB

I will try out in then.

I bet you can upload there much higher complexity and sizes.


Last updated 1 year ago

Olm-e · @olm_e
842 followers · 1210 posts · Server

TIL : so one "social media" in the trend rn with teens around here is
the is far from dead actually, and if ... some conditions ... could work adequately - as I see teens starting to use with ease too ...

(I have ideas about missing pieces ... )

#metaverse #thirdroom #element #matrix

Last updated 1 year ago

lars · @ls
237 followers · 5454 posts · Server

@sigmasternchen Da bin ich aktuell nicht auf Stand... ich dachte, die verkauft sich momentan eher so lala und wäre kein so großer Erfolg?

heisst das von :

#thirdroom #metaverse #matrix

Last updated 1 year ago

Cheryl Furse · @CherylFurse
8 followers · 99 posts · Server

Here my Toyota Supra 🙂

You get all cars as 3 D for blender and can import it in or

Will see how it works for

#opensim #secondlife #thirdroom

Last updated 1 year ago

Xanathon · @xanathon
97 followers · 209 posts · Server

I just tested the demo instance and I'm impressed. This works and looks so much better than all other similar open source solutions I've tested.


Last updated 2 years ago

Xanathon · @xanathon
97 followers · 209 posts · Server

Third Room

"Third Room enables people to discover and create virtual worlds while protecting their privacy and giving them ownership over their data. We use open standards to ensure that both the 3d content and social networking data is portable and interoperable with other platforms. We empower creators to design and program rich and interactive virtual worlds and avatars using a wide variety of 3D content creation tools..."

#opensource #gltf #metaverse #thirdroom

Last updated 2 years ago

AlisonW ♿🏳️‍🌈 · @AlisonW
603 followers · 3244 posts · Server

After seeing the speil on I just went to look at

#fossdem #matrix #thirdroom

Last updated 2 years ago

Tobias Frech · @TobiasFrech
22 followers · 2 posts · Server

If you are not up to date with the state of chat and VoIP in the here is your chance to get a 45 minutes deep dive on worth watching:
interoperable conferencing

#dma #p2poverble #thirdroom #fediverse #matrix #jetpackcompose #swiftui #rust #go #uniffi #matrixrtc #waterfall #webxr #wasm

Last updated 2 years ago

Cheryl Furse · @CherylFurse
51 followers · 537 posts · Server

@acryline @jupiter_rowland @kris_elfe

look at from Matrix with Matrix protocol which is used already for messenger by german and french military and thirdroom is already tested by Interpol.

It is open source decentralized metaverse just used with internet browser with 60 fps for every cheap computer to use. If you want the VRM Avi with such quality of skin just alone you will have complexity of 2 Mio in firestorm. Much too much for Firestorm using. Graphic card would need 250 Watt


Last updated 2 years ago

Rodion Borisov · @vintprox
38 followers · 447 posts · Server


You'll probably like what they do with and . I see more brighter pastures for party 2D games rather than 3D in though, and integrating the findings of Element Call in your game may be just that step forward! :rickhey2:

#elementcall #thirdroom #matrix

Last updated 2 years ago

Cheryl Furse · @CherylFurse
47 followers · 472 posts · Server

I will concentrate and focus on new technology like . I think this will be the future for

#thirdroom #metaverse

Last updated 2 years ago