The #Intelligencer take that the likely outcome of #NoLabels & #ThirdWay throwing their respective hats into the 2024 ring is they will:
• dilute votes for earnest, hardworking, successful-administrator (#PresidentBiden)
• clear path for bomb-throwing, megalomaniacal, narcissistic, personality-disordered, wannabe-dictator to slip thru back door of WH, to resume destroying US democracy (#tfg).
#intelligencer #nolabels #thirdway #presidentbiden #tfg
My Android app(s) in the Play Store are out of date and being sunsetted. I made a few $ with them over the years, but I'm still angry at Google for forcing me to choose between a sales price that most people around the world couldn't/wouldn't pay and annoying my users with ads to scrape a few fractions of a cent from them. Software devs need a #ThirdWay - micropayments. Everyone would benefit except for the ad brokers.
Continuing tortuous and deadly #bipartisanship of "#borderwalls, #surveillance towers, radar, high-definition and infrared cameras, thermographic heat sensors and drones," "Biden equates criticisms from #humanitarian groups and #immigration hard-liners," says both ‘extremes are wrong,’ and that what’s needed is a ‘middle proposition’" #borderfascism #borders #thirdway #imperialism @immigration
#bipartisanship #borderwalls #surveillance #humanitarian #immigration #borderfascism #borders #thirdway #imperialism
As is true in many relationships, when you fight to win, you never fail to lose. That’s because when your partner loses, you lose.