Andrea (CuriousCat) · @curiouscat
220 followers · 1668 posts · Server

Dass /#Dream Apart super sind, merkt ihr allein daran, dass ich die bei @plotbunnygames als Übersetzung herausbringen werde.

Außerdem freue ich mich, demnächst und zusammen im Regel stehen zu haben.

Auf den Rest bin ich noch neugierig, denn der Lesestapel ist auch bei mir größer als der verfügbare Zeitrahmen fürs Lesen! (2/2)

#dreamaskew #thirstyswordlesbians #charmanteschwertlesben #pnpde #rpgaday #rpgaday2023

Last updated 1 year ago

Robin Vinter :blobfoxsignyip: · @robin
119 followers · 1037 posts · Server

So I've been reading through during downtime and wind-down. Mostly because I'm a sucker for queer stuff (mind may stay in the gutter at the discretion of the reader) but damn now I got a mighty want to get a table together. Emphasis is more on interpersonal aspects, internal conflicts and the like with safety tools to keep everyone comfortable which is a breath of fresh air in a genre stuffed full of straight power fantasy and military tactics.
So uh yeah, go give the game a look if the name didn't already sell ya :blobfoxbottompeek2:

#queer #roleplaying #rpg #ttrpg #thirstyswordlesbians

Last updated 1 year ago

Vlad Temper · @vladtemper
503 followers · 7671 posts · Server

An exemple of one of the things I like from PbtA and the Fail Forward

Last friday night while playing Thirsty Sword Lesbians a character rolled a Fail while trying to disguise herself into a guard. The situation was the character was trying to free some people but they did not wanted to be saved because they were afraid of the consequences. That's the reason she tried to disguise herself into a guard: to led them into freedom.
And it was a fail. So the classic fail-in-the-task mindset demanded the prisoners to say "booh, It's only you in disguise", what I think is boring and kills the mood and erases the good idea of the Player to use her Disguise Move in such way.
Instead of that, I made two guards appear demanding identification. So we had a classic scene from a TV show, and the character decided to fight, so we had a good fight, and everything went on smoothly.

What I mean is this kind of fails, not attached to the task but attached to the story, with scalating problems, is much more interesting and apoealing to me and PbtA gives me a structure (DM Moves applied when Fail) and mindset (players know they do not risk only the task itself, indeed maybe the task is accomplished but the situation worses, I feel free to do it) to do it.

#thirstyswordlesbians #ttrpg #failforward #pbta

Last updated 1 year ago

Vlad Temper · @vladtemper
503 followers · 7647 posts · Server

Qué partidaza de tuvimos ayer

Drama del pasado, batallas con espada en una pasarela entre naves espaciales, antiguas enemigas peleando codo con codo, con corazones llenos de emoción y duda, la consciencia de la verdadera gravedad del Imperio fascista al que se enfrentan...

Y muchos px porque los dados estaban en su contra

Quelle soirée de on a eu hier.

Drama du passé, batailles à épée dans une pasarelle entre deux bateaux spaciaux, des anciens énémies combattant dos sur dos avec mes cœurs pleins d'émotion et doute, la conscience de la nature vraiment sévère de l'Empire fasciste contre lequel elles se battent...

Et énormement de px car les dés n'étaient pas de leur côté

#lasavidasespadachinassaficas #thirstyswordlesbians #ttrpg #juegoderol #juegosderol #jeuxderole #jdr #pbta #drama #sheraandtheprincessesofpower

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrea (CuriousCat) · @curiouscat
170 followers · 1050 posts · Server

@Alphastream and are all released under CC-BY. has its own SRD, as do several other indie games (here's an example collection:

#masks #thirstyswordlesbians #lasersandfeelings #forthequeen

Last updated 1 year ago

CheezFairy · @thicmuscle
278 followers · 327 posts · Server

Tonight is my second shift as a at Harold’s Haunt in Millville PA. It’s a unique “they-bar” owned and operated by a coven of witches. Tonight we will be hosting “Tabletop Tuesdays” offering drop-in one-shot games of and (a game I’ve never heard of). Come in and say hi!

#bartender #dnd5e #thirstyswordlesbians

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrea (CuriousCat) · @curiouscat
163 followers · 945 posts · Server

Es war sehr unterhaltsam! Wir haben allerlei Chaos angerichtet, Alex hat sich beim Anblick einer Gesetzbuchschwertlesbe in Lederjacke spontan verliebt (zusammen Sachen sprengen zählt als Date, oder?) und eventuell haben wir jetzt ein neues, ziemlich grünes Problem in der Röstlaube - aber das ist eine Aufgabe für einen anderen Tag!

Wer kurzfristig nachgucken will:

#pnpde #ttrpg #charmanteschwertlesben #thirstyswordlesbians

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrea (CuriousCat) · @curiouscat
163 followers · 942 posts · Server

Heute Abend spiele ich bei @FranigoRolls ab 19:00 Uhr eine Runde / 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

Es geht wieder ins Setting "Coffee-thirsty Sword Lesbians" zum Café Röstlaube - und meine flatterhafte Charmeurin (Scoundrel) Alex (she/they) wird sicher Gelegenheit finden, sich durch unüberlegtes Handeln in Schwierigkeiten zu bringen!

#charmanteschwertlesben #thirstyswordlesbians #pnpde #ttrpg

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrea (CuriousCat) · @curiouscat
163 followers · 934 posts · Server

Am Samstag spiele ich eine Runde bei @FranigoRolls (Promobild ist von ihm geklaut)!

Freu mich schon sehr auf meinen ersten Ausflug ins "Café Lespresso"-Setting und überhaupt aufs Spielen nach all der Arbeit an der Übersetzung und dem redaktionellen Schlusslektorat daran!

#charmanteschwertlesben #thirstyswordlesbians #pnpde

Last updated 1 year ago

Vlad Temper · @vladtemper
478 followers · 6065 posts · Server


I'm running three Campaigns right now.

is a homebrew seed which is evolving really quickly. 5 sessions/9

a Space Opera setting with a lot of SheRa vives. 2 sessions/6

a homebrew setting in a Cronenberg/ Existenz biopunk which has just began. 1 session/ 3

#ttrpg #spire #ascensoralcielo #thirstyswordlesbians #laluzcegadora #theveil #cequipalpite #pbta

Last updated 2 years ago

Gwenn the Koi · @GwennKoi
101 followers · 6 posts · Server

I've been playing lately. It has both been a lot of fun and forcing me to process things about myself. My only problem is I kind of wrote myself into a corner, and now I'm trying to figure out a way to write myself out of it.

Very well designed , and I'm looking forward to my next game.

#thirstyswordlesbians #rpg

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrea (CuriousCat) · @curiouscat
139 followers · 434 posts · Server

Ihr könnt den Talk bei @FranigoRolls zu queeren Indie-Rollenspielen jetzt ab hier nachträglich anschauen: Dauert ziemlich genau eine Stunde, danach kommt noch die Spielrunde

Wir reden über Sex, Politik, Produktionsbedingungen von Indiegames, und Crowdfundings und stellen zwischendurch verschiedene coole queere Spiele vor!

#charmanteschwertlesben #thirstyswordlesbians #pnpde #ttrp #indiegame #queer #lgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrea (CuriousCat) · @curiouscat
139 followers · 427 posts · Server

Wir ( @FranigoRolls und ich) reden morgen über queere Indie-Rollenspiele! Um 17:30 Uhr geht's los - und ich höre, es gibt auch was zu gewinnen (nämlich für Roll20)!

Was sollen wir unbedingt ansprechen? Stellt eure Fragen hier oder morgen live im Chat!

#thirstyswordlesbians #pnpde #ttrpg #queer #lgbtqia #charmanteschwertlesben

Last updated 2 years ago

Vlad Temper · @vladtemper
433 followers · 3917 posts · Server

Our campaign had a Enter the Password moment.
It was a very interesting moment, they were in the mean facilites of the Evil Empire, in disguise, and trying to rescue a double agent working there incognito WHILE stealing the new update for the Alexa/Siri in the Spaceship (only because It was so annoying with the WinRAR like expiration of the test mode messages).

So they could mess up all the rescue BUT It was so annoying. And there was a Password situation.

For Fun And Tension, the Very First Thing Spelled was considered as a failed try (GM evilness, 😉 ). But for the second one I asked for a roll (Avoid the disaster).

And it was a 7-9. SO I decided to give the Player the choice. Was it the correct answer? And.. It worked great. As the Player knew it was a Partial Success so it would be a consequence if it was the correct Password, the Player fell into a Push Your Luck situation.

And... I did not expect this to be so relevant but It was really highlighted in Stars and Wishes.

So more reasons to love

(Meta is Good)

#thirstyswordlesbians #pbta #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

Vlad Temper · @vladtemper
411 followers · 3581 posts · Server

So let's talk about today's session of

Our first scene has been a Villain's Monologue. I've presented Amarillo, one of the generals for the Arconte, the BBG Galaxy Evil Emperor You Already Know.

She was informing about a little planet where it is said you can buy "telacero".
Cause two of the PC have not swords but clothes which cuts and kills, so I came out with the "telacero", something like fabricsteel, and how it is produced and controlled by the Arconte.

And then I gave the point of a recurrent villain of hating the protagonists because their constant and frequent presence and fight against the Empire.

And then I setted one of the PCs was in the little planet, running away, and the player decided she had just stolen, yes, this "telacero".

We had drama, we had silly moments, we had watermelons, we had more watermelons, we had destroyed setting, we had sword fighting, emotional conflict and a lot a lot a lot of fun.

I can't wait for the next session.

#thirstyswordlesbians #ttrpg #actualplay #pbta

Last updated 2 years ago

Vlad Temper · @vladtemper
411 followers · 3578 posts · Server

Today the campaign begins!

In the Age Of The Arconte, the Million Eyes watch you in order to keep you in the Norm

Let's them look us! Cause we're Going to glow

With the fire in our hearts and the shining of our swords.

Let's them look us... If they can. Cause we are glowing with Blinding Light!

#thirstyswordlesbians #ttrpg #pbta

Last updated 2 years ago

Vlad Temper · @vladtemper
347 followers · 2502 posts · Server

En la Era del Arconte, la galaxia está llena de ojos. El Millón de Ojos observa, mira, escrutina cada rincón y cada persona en busca de la más leve desviación de la Norma.

Pues que miren bien, si pueden, porque vamos a brillar con un fuego fulgurante, con nuestros corazones, con el filo de nuestras espadas.

Con ...

La Luz Cegadora

Una campaña de Las Ávidas Espadachinas Sáficas

#thirstyswordlesbians #pbta #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

Lucky Yorekk · @LuckyYorekk
5 followers · 5 posts · Server

Copiado de @vladtemper

Spotify Wrapped but for :

Your Most played system this year: and

The game you kept saying you'd play but the manual is gathering dust: Atesorado pero aún no disfrutado

Genre you couldn't get enough of: Fantasía con buenas dosis de humor

Game you're excited to own: Me ha dado tan buenos ratos que le tengo un cariño enorme

Most rolled dice this year: D20 virtual, que como jugador casi todo es DnD 😅

#rpgs #pbta #DnD #thirstyswordlesbians #monsteroftheweek

Last updated 2 years ago

Vlad Temper · @vladtemper
347 followers · 2467 posts · Server

Ayer hubo sesión cero de Thirsty Sword Lesbians/ Las Ávidas Espadachinas Sáficas y no ve qué polvorín del Drama...

Sofía, la Canalla, ladrona de guante blanco y sonrisa encantadora
Saline, la Embaucadora, carismática mujer de peligrosa corbata
Glenda Price, la Devota, paladina por una Paz a cualquier precio
Princesa Rayna, la Refugiada, orgullosa y combativa, su ropa es su mejor arma pero en este caso es literal: no lleva espada, los pliegues de su ropa pueden endurecerse como el acero y corta como un bisturí

#ttrpg #pbta #thirstyswordlesbians

Last updated 2 years ago

Vlad Temper · @vladtemper
330 followers · 2232 posts · Server

Este viernes se hace Sesión Cero
Este viernes hay

This friday is Session Zero
This friday there is

Ce vendredi on a la Session Zéro
Ce vendredi il y a

#thirstyswordlesbians #pbta #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago