My cousin, who geeks out with me over many fandoms, totally surprised me with a copy of the Doctor Who magazine in which I was interviewed for my Thirteenth Doctor cosplay. Hopefully Jodie will be at con close to me someday so I can have her sign it. #doctorwho #ThirteenthDoctor #JodieWhittaker #cosplay #thirteenthdoctorcosplayer
#doctorwho #thirteenthdoctor #jodiewhittaker #cosplay #thirteenthdoctorcosplayer #thedoctor
My cousin, who geeks out with me over many fandoms, totally surprised me with a copy of the Doctor Who magazine in which I was interviewed for my Thirteenth Doctor cosplay. Hopefully Jodie will be at con close to me someday so I can have her sign it. #doctorwho #ThirteenthDoctor #JodieWhittaker #cosplay #thirteenthdoctorcosplayer
#doctorwho #thirteenthdoctor #jodiewhittaker #cosplay #thirteenthdoctorcosplayer #thedoctor