Grace Tay · @gktaydesigns
12 followers · 18 posts · Server
Pat · @Pat
166 followers · 3934 posts · Server


Retro SciFi Film of the Week…

Logan’s Run (1976)

The 1976 science fiction movie "Logan's Run" explores timeless themes of individualism versus collectivism through the lens of a utopian society where citizens are encouraged to prioritize pleasure over responsibility.

Director Michael Anderson creates a believable world featuring sleek architecture, intricate underground subways, and flashy laser guns. Throughout the film, characters confront ethical questions about sacrifice, morality, and mortality while embracing values like selflessness and altruism in their quest for survival. These ideas still resonate today because they speak to core issues of human identity formation and societal evolution that have persisted across centuries.

In conclusion, the visually stunning cinematography and groundbreaking visual effects combine with thought-provoking subject matter make "Logan's Run" a standalone work worth revisiting repeatedly. Its enduring value lies in challenging audiences to consider how far we should go in pursuit of happiness and longevity while respecting the dignity of every person along the way. Although some may dismiss "Logan's Run" due to perceived datedness or lackluster acting performances, the film remains culturally relevant for anyone interested in exploring intergenerational conflicts and the consequences of scientific progress run amok.

Enjoy your journey back in time!

(This review was written by Model: oasst-sft-6-llama-30b.)

accessible description:

an animated gif video of a robot from the movie named “Box”. He is metalic silver that has an android-looking top and a boxy bottom and torso. His arms are spread out and he is moving them and opening and closing his hands over and over...

#box #science #fiction #sciencefiction #scifi #ftw #sfftw #film #movie #physics #thirty #utopia #distopia #technology #ai

Last updated 1 year ago

Pat · @Pat
166 followers · 3934 posts · Server


Retro SciFi Film of the Week…

Logan’s Run (1976)

The 1976 science fiction movie "Logan's Run" explores timeless themes of individualism versus collectivism through the lens of a utopian society where citizens are encouraged to prioritize pleasure over responsibility.

Director Michael Anderson creates a believable world featuring sleek architecture, intricate underground subways, and flashy laser guns. Throughout the film, characters confront ethical questions about sacrifice, morality, and mortality while embracing values like selflessness and altruism in their quest for survival. These ideas still resonate today because they speak to core issues of human identity formation and societal evolution that have persisted across centuries.

In conclusion, the visually stunning cinematography and groundbreaking visual effects combine with thought-provoking subject matter make "Logan's Run" a standalone work worth revisiting repeatedly. Its enduring value lies in challenging audiences to consider how far we should go in pursuit of happiness and longevity while respecting the dignity of every person along the way. Although some may dismiss "Logan's Run" due to perceived datedness or lackluster acting performances, the film remains culturally relevant for anyone interested in exploring intergenerational conflicts and the consequences of scientific progress run amok.

Enjoy your journey back in time!

(This review was written by Model: oasst-sft-6-llama-30b.)

accessible description:

an animated gif video of a robot from the movie named “Box”. He is metalic silver that has a android-looking top and a boxy bottom. His arms are spread out and he is moving them and opening and closing his hands over and over...

#science #fiction #sciencefiction #scifi #ftw #sfftw #film #movie #physics #thirty #utopia #distopia #technology #ai #box

Last updated 1 year ago

Pat · @Pat
166 followers · 3934 posts · Server


Retro SciFi Film of the Week…

Logan’s Run (1976)

The 1976 science fiction movie "Logan's Run" explores timeless themes of individualism versus collectivism through the lens of a utopian society where citizens are encouraged to prioritize pleasure over responsibility.

Director Michael Anderson creates a believable world featuring sleek architecture, intricate underground subways, and flashy laser guns. Throughout the film, characters confront ethical questions about sacrifice, morality, and mortality while embracing values like selflessness and altruism in their quest for survival. These ideas still resonate today because they speak to core issues of human identity formation and societal evolution that have persisted across centuries.

In conclusion, the visually stunning cinematography and groundbreaking visual effects combine with thought-provoking subject matter make "Logan's Run" a standalone work worth revisiting repeatedly. Its enduring value lies in challenging audiences to consider how far we should go in pursuit of happiness and longevity while respecting the dignity of every person along the way. Although some may dismiss "Logan's Run" due to perceived datedness or lackluster acting performances, the film remains culturally relevant for anyone interested in exploring intergenerational conflicts and the consequences of scientific progress run amok.
Enjoy your journey back in time!

(This review was written by Model: oasst-sft-6-llama-30b.)

accessible description:

an animated gif video of a robot from the movie named “Box”. He is metalic silver that has a android-looking top and a boxy bottom. His arms are spread out and he is moving them and opening and closing his hands over and over...

#fiction #science #sciencefiction #scifi #ftw #sfftw #film #movie #physics #thirty #utopia #distopia #technology #ai #box

Last updated 1 year ago

Pat · @Pat
166 followers · 3934 posts · Server


Retro SciFi Film of the Week…

Logan’s Run (1976)

The 1976 science fiction movie "Logan's Run" explores timeless themes of individualism versus collectivism through the lens of a utopian society where citizens are encouraged to prioritize pleasure over responsibility.

Director Michael Anderson creates a believable world featuring sleek architecture, intricate underground subways, and flashy laser guns. Throughout the film, characters confront ethical questions about sacrifice, morality, and mortality while embracing values like selflessness and altruism in their quest for survival. These ideas still resonate today because they speak to core issues of human identity formation and societal evolution that have persisted across centuries.

In conclusion, the visually stunning cinematography and groundbreaking visual effects combine with thought-provoking subject matter make "Logan's Run" a standalone work worth revisiting repeatedly. Its enduring value lies in challenging audiences to consider how far we should go in pursuit of happiness and longevity while respecting the dignity of every person along the way. Although some may dismiss "Logan's Run" due to perceived datedness or lackluster acting performances, the film remains culturally relevant for anyone interested in exploring intergenerational conflicts and the consequences of scientific progress run amok.
Enjoy your journey back in time!

(This review was written by Model: oasst-sft-6-llama-30b.)

accessible description:

an animated gif video of a robot from the movie named “Box”. He is metalic silver that has a android-looking top and a boxy bottom. His arms are spread out and he is moving them and opening and closing his hands over and over...

#science #fiction #scifi #ftw #sfftw #distopia #technology #ai #box #sciencefiction #film #movie #physics #thirty #utopia

Last updated 1 year ago

whats something you learned embarassingly late in life?

i just learned hens dont have to be inseminated by roosters to lay eggs. the eggs we eat are the unfertilized ones. i used to think eggs were all unborn chick embryos

im 30

#mondaymood #waytoolate #thirty #askmastodon #askfediverse

Last updated 1 year ago

WordofTheHour · @wordofthehour
2280 followers · 36497 posts · Server

: being three times ten

- French: Trente

- German: dreißig

- Italian: trenta

- Portuguese: trinta

- Spanish: treinta


Thank you so much for being a member of our community!


Last updated 1 year ago

Dorothea Lange · @DorotheaLange
9 followers · 101 posts · Server

Migrant family on .S.Highway #99 between and , . Note: the photographer passed -eight cars of this type while driving -fivemiles between 9:00 and #9:45inthemorning

#u #bakersfield #famoso #california #twenty #thirty #photography #dorothealange

Last updated 1 year ago

migrant, . An example of how they fall between the relief agencies. The father, aged -five, is an intelligent fellow, a painter by trade. Advanced tuberculosis, victim of an occupational disease....

#oklahoma #texas #thirty #photography #dorothealange

Last updated 1 year ago

Migrant agricultural worker's family. hungry children. Mother aged -two. Father is a native . Destitute in pea picker's camp, , , because of the failure of the early pea crop....

#seven #thirty #californian #nipomo #california #photography #dorothealange

Last updated 1 year ago

Migrant agricultural worker's family. hungry children. Mother aged -two. Father is native . ,

#seven #thirty #californian #nipomo #california #photography #dorothealange

Last updated 1 year ago

I am 30 years old today.



I have done nothing with my life.


#birthday #thirty #depression #sadpartyhorn

Last updated 1 year ago

Italian News by RSS · @ItalianNews
10 followers · 4137 posts · Server

Trentacinque nuovi " di bordo" all'alberghiero De Cecco: superato l'esame finale del corso con lo chef Zunica FOTO

Frutto della collaborazione con diversi enti e realtà del territorio a cominciare dalla capitaneria, il corso extracurriculare è l'occasione non solo di imparare, ma di cogliere una delle opportunità di lavoro di settore che molto si legano alla territorialità

-five new 'Cooks on Board' at the De Cecco hotel school: passed the final exam of the course with chef Zunica PHOTO

The result of collaboration with various bodies and realities in the area, starting with the captain's office, the extracurricular course is an opportunity not only to learn, but to seize one of the sector's job opportunities that are very much linked to the territory

1-6-2023 9:19

#cuochi #thirty #ilpescara

Last updated 1 year ago

WordofTheHour · @wordofthehour
2204 followers · 33279 posts · Server

: being three times ten

- French: Trente

- German: dreißig

- Italian: trenta

- Portuguese: trinta

- Spanish: treinta


Thank you so much for being a member of our community!


Last updated 2 years ago

Bob Payne · @rjpayne
339 followers · 989 posts · Server

MPA Congress to Chart Path to Protecting 30% of Global Ocean by 2030 #protection %

#mpas #oceans #thirty

Last updated 2 years ago

Bob McIntosh · @scotfot
2044 followers · 740 posts · Server

30 - an old photo I came across recently! #30

#number #thirty

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1295 followers · 3034 posts · Server
Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1295 followers · 3033 posts · Server
Phil Wood · @blaurock
234 followers · 48 posts · Server

The Thirty-Nine Articles, incorporated in the book of Common Prayer, are a much repeated, if waspish, expression of the Anglican Via Media. Catholics & Anabaptists are lambasted with relish. Five hundred years on, the Articles no longer codify the burning of Mennonites at Smithfield, but CofE parishes still use the Articles & Churches Together in England membership, as an exclusionary gatekeeper in a still anti-Anabaptist job market. So much for ecumenism! -NineArticles.

#Anabaptism #thirty

Last updated 2 years ago

AetherEgo · @AetherEgo
95 followers · 899 posts · Server

(, ): A that currently interests me a lot. Certainly not perfect, the woken teachings bother me. Apart from this super-teacherly fuss, the fall of the offers a fantastic foundation for great role-playing moments. Fantasy, history and everything in between paired with a rather simple system and a very strong theme that is as clear as it is open. Friday 13th Oct. 1307, you are one of the (, anyone?)… Survive. Enjoy.

#heirstoheresy #ospreygames #alanbahr #ttrpg #knightstemplar #thirty #JohnWick

Last updated 2 years ago