Imagine coming home from #school to.. #this 😅
#DNAngel #AlceaAnimu
I especially like how he's like
"Aw dang, the floor is gone, where am I gonna put my shoes now ??"
#school #this #dnangel #alceaanimu
#This is why I put my #OLED #NintendoSwitch as #main #console now:
Even *with* #cartridge as #auth. the "#free" #dlc won't work without #internet
(The #dress does. but #MaMa #skin doesn't)
That't won't do.
Can't let Pod042 fly around in that #terrible #outfit !!!11
(This whole "#primary" and "#secondary" console thing is annoying !!!)
#console #this #oled #nintendoswitch #main #cartridge #auth #free #dlc #internet #dress #mama #skin #terrible #outfit #gamealcea #primary #secondary
#This is a "Hopi woman dressing hair of unmarried girl, 1900".
#This is a part of "The Franz Oeser original piano at Key Productions with serial number 132 was handmade in Vienna, Austria in 1877".