If #China understands #America at all they realize there are some zoos in #ThisCountry asking themselves if they can do it more convincingly
its amazing that #TheRight
#Supports #Fascists and #Fascism
and then has the #Audacity to publicly decry #FreeSpeech and accuse #TheLeft of #Violence
If you #AskMe if I support #Violence I just find it astounding. Because it means you don't understand anything about what we #Experience and have #Experienced in #ThisCountry since the days we #FledFascism and #Survived #Genocide ya know what I mean???
#theRight #bombshospitals #shootsup #schools #massmurders #bipoc #lgbt #bombs #powergrids #supports #fascists #fascism #burns #synagogues #commits #genocide #denies #audacity #freespeech #theleft #violence #askme #experience #experienced #thiscountry #fledfascism #survived
its amazing that #TheRight
#Supports #Fascists and #Fascism
and then has the #Audacity to publicly decry #FreeSpeech and accuse #TheLeft of #Violence
If you #AskMe if I support #Violence I just find it astounding. Because it means you don't understand anything about what we #Experience and have #Experienced in #ThisCountry since the days we #FledFascism and #Survived #Genocide ya know what I mean???
#theRight #bombshospitals #shootsup #schools #massmurders #bipoc #lgbt #bombs #powergrids #supports #fascists #fascism #burns #synagogues #commits #genocide #denies #audacity #freespeech #theleft #violence #askme #experience #experienced #thiscountry #fledfascism #survived
its amazing that #TheRight
#Supports #Fascists and #Fascism
and then has the #Audacity to publicly decry #FreeSpeech and accuse #TheLeft of #Violence
If you #AskMe if I support #Violence I just find it astounding. Because it means you don't understand anything about what we #Experience and have #Experienced #ThisCountry since the days we #FledFascism and #Survived #Genocide ya know what I mean???
#theRight #bombshospitals #shootsup #schools #massmurders #bipoc #lgbt #bombs #powergrids #supports #fascists #fascism #burns #synagogues #commits #genocide #denies #audacity #freespeech #theleft #violence #askme #experience #experienced #thiscountry #fledfascism #survived
its amazing that #TheRight
#Supports #Fascists and Fascism
and then has the #Audacity to publicly decry #FreeSpeech and accuse #TheLeft of #Violence
If you #AskMe if I support #Violence I just find it astounding. Because it means you don't understand anything about what we #Experience and have #Experienced #ThisCountry since the days we #FledFascism and #Survived #Genocide ya know what I mean???
#theRight #bombshospitals #shootsup #schools #massmurders #bipoc #lgbt #bombs #powergrids #supports #fascists #burns #synagogues #commits #genocide #denies #audacity #freespeech #theleft #violence #askme #experience #experienced #thiscountry #fledfascism #survived