I just watched This Gun for Hire (Frank Tuttle, 1942) and rated it 6/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Gun_for_Hire #films #cinema #cinemastodon #ThisGunForHire #AlanLadd #VeronicaLake #GrahamGreene - I've just read the novel so decided to give the film another go - silly but fun (as was the book).
#grahamgreene #veronicalake #alanladd #thisgunforhire #cinemastodon #cinema #films
Watching a couple of the Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake film noirs. They're not as good an acting couple as Powell & Loy or Bogart & Bacall-- but there's something there when they're together.
It's subtle but the sum IS greater than the parts.
#GlassKey #ThisGunForHire #ClassicMovies #FilmNoir #Criterion
#glasskey #thisgunforhire #classicmovies #filmnoir #criterion
Alan Ladd and Laird Cregar are giving me bear/chaser vibes. #FilmNoir #ThisGunForHire
Damn if Alan Ladd wasn’t sexy as hell in this movie. #FilmNoir #thisGunForHire
Veronica Lake in the fisherman catsuit with matching heels is kicking all kinds of golden-age ass. #FilmNoir #thisGunForHire