Happy New Year! Check out the video message for the Nike Running Instagram account. Cheers!
https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cm4UEMZqstu/?igshid=ZDhmZGIxNmQ= #everyrunhasapurpose #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #coachbennett
#coachbennett #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose
Happy to share that the first AUDIO VOICE OVER for one of my articles was uploaded. The poll I put up a few days ago was resoundingly for an audio version of the articles to be included. You can now read or LISTEN to 5 Tips for Running in the Dark here: https://coach3s23a.substack.com/p/5-tips-for-running-in-the-dark #everyrunhasapurpose #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #coachbennett
#coachbennett #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose
NEW ARTICLE! As we get closer to the finish line of the year I get more and more questions about starting lines. Hope you read and enjoy my latest writing and please share and subscribe! #everyrunhasapurpose #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #coachbennett
#coachbennett #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose
You are always good enough… to get better. #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose #coachbennett
#coachbennett #everyrunhasapurpose #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning
Check out my latest article on substack and maybe subscribe so you never miss a new article! #everyrunhasapurpose #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #coachbennett https://open.substack.com/pub/coach3s23a/p/walk-your-way-to-a-better-run?r=1gdsu0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
#coachbennett #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose
It’s the shortest day of the year which means… the days will only get longer from here on out!
More time for running! ☀️
#wintersolstice #winter #run #running #runchat #outside #photography
#wintersolstice #winter #run #running #runchat #outside #photography #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning
Numbers don’t lie. But they never tell the whole story. The miles, meters, minutes, & paces only tell how far, long & how fast the story was. If you don’t pay attention to more than metrics you’ll miss what matters most. #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose #coachbennett
#coachbennett #everyrunhasapurpose #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning
Running Easy Isn’t Always Easy To Do
And you can subscribe so you never miss a post, article or ramble! #everyrunhasapurpose #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #running #coachbennett https://open.substack.com/pub/coach3s23a/p/running-easy-isnt-always-easy-to?utm_source=direct&r=1gdsu0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
#coachbennett #running #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose
I know that January 1st is a big day to make changes in our lives. But we don’t need to wait for a new year to cross a new starting line. All we need to do is be brave enough to start now. #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose
#everyrunhasapurpose #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning
Enjoying a cold adult soda at #LevelBeer in Multnomah Village. Incredibly cozy place. Sometimes it’s important to get uncomfortable. But it’s just as (if not more) important to make sure you have moments and places and people you can be with when you are totally and absolutely comfortable. #everyrunhasapurpose #running #coachbennett #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning
#thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #coachbennett #running #everyrunhasapurpose #levelbeer
Running east isn’t always easy to do. But, if you can run easy when you need to… you’ll be able to run hard when you want to. https://medium.com/@christopherpatrickbennett/running-easy-isnt-always-easy-to-do-7930fd003d31
#everyrunhasapurpose #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #coachbennett #running #training #marathon #coaching #motivation #inspiration #runner
#runner #inspiration #Motivation #coaching #Marathon #Training #running #coachbennett #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose
Seems like a good time to say thank you for running with me because any time is a good time to say that. #everyrunhasapurpose #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #running #coachbennett
#coachbennett #running #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose
I’m just starting to understand why global football is called the beautiful game. But one thing I’ve always known is that it’s a great sport to play to get you ready to someday really run. #worldcup #everyrunhasapurpose #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #coachbennett
#coachbennett #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose #worldcup
Every finish line…
is just a starting line in disguise.
#thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose #coachbennett #running
#running #coachbennett #everyrunhasapurpose #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning
Going for a very short run. It’s cold. Dark. I’m tired. Is this run going to end with me a faster runner or having significantly more endurance? Nope. This run isn’t about that. I want to get outside. Move. Breathe in cold ass air. Feel alive. And those are some bad ass reasons for a run. #everyrunhasapurpose #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #coachbennett #running
#running #coachbennett #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose
It’s almost time to take the starting line.
And I’m not going to wish you good luck. Because luck isn’t what got you here…
READ MORE HERE: https://www.instagram.com/p/ClrLB6JvZMX/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= #everyrunhasapurpose #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #coachbennett #NXN
#nxn #coachbennett #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose
Welcome to Nike Cross Nationals! #NXN #Running #everyrunhasapurpose #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #coachbennett
#coachbennett #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose #running #nxn
Yes! Of course you can watch Nike Cross Nationals (NXN) on Saturday… live… and for free! It’s my favorite event of the year. Support the sport by watching and cheering on the best high school cross country teams and individuals in the US. LINK TO LIVE STREAM AT END OF POST. #everyrunhasapurpose #supportthesport #runnerspace #NXN #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #coachbennett #runnerspace
#coachbennett #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning #nxn #runnerspace #supportthesport #everyrunhasapurpose
Yes! Of course you can watch Nike Cross Nationals (NXN) on Saturday… live… and for free! It’s my favorite event of the year. Support the sport by watching and cheering on the best high school cross country teams and individuals in the US. #everyrunhasapurpose #supportthesport #runnerspace #NXN #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #coachbennett #runnerspace https://www.runnerspace.com/eprofile.php?event_id=13&do=news&news_id=650374
#coachbennett #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning #nxn #runnerspace #supportthesport #everyrunhasapurpose
If you’re doing to be in Austin, Texas in November 29th and you’re looking for a fun run… I got you covered! Looking forward to this! I’ve never been to Austin. See you there! #everyrunhasapurpose #thisisaboutrunning #thisisnotaboutrunning #coachbennett
#coachbennett #thisisnotaboutrunning #thisisaboutrunning #everyrunhasapurpose