he’s right! with catalyst and SwiftUI etc. — what is “native”!?
i don’t know what a #MacAssedMacApp is anymore.
but i’m 100% certain what is NOT: a fucking webpage in chromium window (i.e. an Electron “app”) — i’m sure that’s NOT native!!!
you have to host your webpage in a WKWebView window. then you’re all good. 👍👍 :catjam:
#NativeCode #ObjC #AppKit #ElectronSucks #OKNotReally #ThisIsAJokeBecauseIReallyLikeElectron #TypeScriptRules
#macassedmacapp #nativecode #objc #appkit #electronsucks #oknotreally #thisisajokebecauseireallylikeelectron #typescriptrules