It’s great when people use hashtags and alt text for images.
For even better accessibility, particularly for the visually-impaired relying on a screenreader, it’d be lovely if more of us could use #camelCase or #PascalCase in multiple-word hashtags.
Screenreaders read the words in camel or Pascal Case separately, not as a long—possibly incomprehensible—word.
The only difference is #camelCase has the 1st letter of the 1st word in lowercase, but either works!
#thisispascalcase #thisiscamelcase #pascalcase #camelcase
@jpetazzo punctuation line breaks etc YES it needs punctuation to pause same with paragraphs.
Capital letters or all lower case less of an issue. BUT you must use camel case for hash tags #ThisIsCamelCase
Italics and bold no problem.
@voron @AnarchoDoggo @kelvin0mql
Capitalise the individual words as per the examples above.
#thisiscamelcase #thisisnotcamelcase