102 for a second day in a row in New Orleans, both tie all-time high value there.
14 record highs this month alone. 14 100-degree days and growing, old record 5.
109 in Houston today ties the all time there.
#thisisfine #lawx #ClimateChange #gulfcoast #txwx
... in the name of making it possible to maintain those ancient, business-critical COBOL systems with more junior, commonly-available, and most of all cheaper Java developers.
This will go well.
#whatcouldgowrong #thisisfine #FAFO
Andere Medien: Wie schlimm werden die kommenden DĂŒrresommer?
Andere Medien: Wasserknappheit jetzt auch bei uns!
Gartenmagazin: Die schönsten Stauden fĂŒr einen PrĂ€riegarten! đ©âđŸ #ThisIsFine
@AxelTerizaki la gratification instantanĂ©e, donc lâintolĂ©rance Ă la moindre frustration la plus fugace, est littĂ©ralement, dans tous les domaines, la cause de lâeffondrement de la biosphĂšre. Mais ça fait les beaux jours du Ciel bleu, dâuber, dâAmazon, de Picard, etc., etc., etc. On mĂ©rite vraiment ce qui va nous tomber sur la figure, contrairement aux autres espĂšces animales et vĂ©gĂ©tales que lâon entraĂźne dans notre chute. #ThisIsFine
Meanwhile werden in Kanada ganze Bundesstaaten evakuiert.
First the northeast gets smoke then the southwest gets hurricanes... #ThisIsFine
@winstonsmith Whatâs his climate policy? Wait⊠https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2022/05/04/cryptocurrency-energy/ #thisisfine
Ylen uutisotsikoita tÀltÀ pÀivÀltÀ:
Kiinan maanvyöryssÀ kuolleita jo yli 20
Bangladeshin rankkasateissa on kuollut jo ainakin 55 ihmistÀ
Havaijin maastopalon uhriluku kasvoi taas
Yli 2â000 evakuoitiin tulvien tieltĂ€ VenĂ€jĂ€n KaukoidĂ€ssĂ€
Havaijin maastopaloissa jo lÀhes 90 kuolonuhria, mÀÀrÀn varoitetaan edelleen nousevan
VenÀjÀ lÀhetti erikoisryhmÀn valvomaan hirmumyrsky Khanunin tuhojen siivoamista alueillaan KaukoidÀssÀ
#ThisIsFine #SÀÀnĂĂ€riilmiöt #ilmastokriisi #ilmastonmuutos
#thisisfine #saanaariilmiot #ilmastokriisi #ilmastonmuutos
August will be our 40th map for Patrons
Am I finally confident enough to post our screen printed maps on Reddit, come what commentary and ire may?
...not today, apparently đ€Ș
#artistlife #reddit #mapmaker #thisisfine
"A new study published in Nature Communications finds Atlantic Ocean currents could collapse âaround mid-century,â or as soon as 2025, due to climate change, triggering catastrophic conditions around the globe. Whatâs known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation carries warm water from the tropics to the North Atlantic and sends colder water south along the ocean floor. The warming planet is expected to push this phenomenon over a âtipping pointâ as fresh water from melting Arctic ice disrupts and weakens the current."
As much as I understand that trademark law doesn't actually apply to billionaires, I still think birdsite being sued by an open source nonprofit would be hilarious. #xorg #birdsite #twitter #thisisfine
#xorg #birdsite #twitter #thisisfine
Reality is weirder than fiction in modern times.
We have discussions on a twitter changing their name to "X" and the major non issue of transgender athletes in sports which get everyone in a fuss.
Meanwhile a potential war brews in the South China Sea which will dramatically change all of our lives for the worse.