Periodic reminder to add descriptions to pics. Many won’t boost your posts without them, and Mastodon is all about #accessibility 😘 Picture for emphasis 😊
#ThisIsntTwitter #Tags #DifferentlyAbled #VisuallyImpaired
#accessibility #thisisnttwitter #tags #differentlyabled #visuallyimpaired Welcome to the era of nothing but performative politics. The House GOP can’t actually achieve anything, which is perfect for them, for they are incapable of governing in the best interest of the country. I don’t like this crap from my local supervisors in SF, nor at any other level of government. #EarnYourPay #Govern #ThisIsntTwitter
#thisisnttwitter #govern #earnyourpay
In certain apps, like #Tusky for #Android, you can turn off display of quantitative data (number of likes, reposts, follower counts, etc.) for both posts and user profiles.
Try it! It's made my Mastodon experience even more chill and enjoyable!
#thisisntacompetition #thisisnttwitter #Android #tusky #psa #Mastodon
This is meant in the nicest possible way (while still getting my point across) but oh my God can we all stop talking about Twitter and how shit it's become, and what an unutterable tosspot Space Karen is, pretty please with sugar and cherry on top. Or at least put a CW on it.
#Mastodon #Fediverse #ThisIsntTwitter
#mastodon #fediverse #thisisnttwitter
@georgetakei That's not what it's for, George. Follow the people who interest you, or whose posts you like, or who spark interesting discussions. If you're just after numbers, stay on Twatter. #ThisIsntTwitter #Mastodon #Fediverse
#thisisnttwitter #mastodon #fediverse
@jasonpedlow I have also noticed that a few celebrity/journalists aren’t following anyone or just a few other sources or contacts. I’m not interested in being anyone’s fan or being fed news. I want to have a community and conversations with people, real people who are being real.
#letstalk #community #thisisnttwitter
@UK_Daniel_Card not having full text search makes the experience so much more pleasant, I don't get my feed overloaded with crap text like the bird site #thisisnttwitter