How to die in #wfrp4e? Memes aside ("what do you mean you didn't bring a *second* backup character to the session? #ThisIsWarhammer!), I made this chart for my players on how you actually die in combat (start on the left at Ouch!) - notwithstanding the 4 metacurrencies that potentially help you leave the chart. Note: afaik the Up in Arms book changes the crit table offset somewhat.
So, it's really easy to go down in round 1, weeping, bleeding and infected. Dying - not so much.
#wfrp #ttrpg #pnp
#wfrp4e #thisiswarhammer #WFRP #ttrpg #pnp
Session prep for session 2 of #EnemyInShadows tonight. One may notice that the party seems to spend the night on the straw in the stables as they had already run out of funds session 1. Old nerds that they are they already teased me whether I'd make them roll for fleas and parasites tonight. #ThisIsWarhammer, so instead I should have them roll whether the fleas have tentacles...
Looking forward to a great game night!
#wfrp4e #EiS #TEW #TheEnemyWithin #ttrpg #pnpde #Warhammer #FoundryVTT
#enemyinshadows #thisiswarhammer #wfrp4e #eis #TEW #TheEnemyWithin #ttrpg #pnpde #warhammer #foundryvtt