RT @silliestgirleva@twitter.com
y’all lmao. i work at *unnamed store* and we sell these sweatshirts. today we got an email from corporate to damage and cut them up and throw them out due to a “customer complaint”. anyone wanna take a lucky guess as to why this is offensive??
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/silliestgirleva/status/1600622117392982016
I would like to apologize to everyone on the sfba server but, this King's game...I mean I know it's entirely possible that they blow a 40 point lead but I'm optimistic. #GoKings #PleaseForTheLoveOfGod #ThisNeverHappens #Hella #Sacramento
#gokings #pleasefortheloveofgod #thisneverhappens #hella #sacramento
RT @Frollein_VogelV@twitter.com
Aber das passiert nie
Wer konnte ahnen dass die psychisch kranke Penis Person eine Gefahr für die Frauen in der Klinik darstellt. Wer?
Isar-Amper-Klinikum:Trans-Frau tötet Patientin https://m.bild.de/regional/muenchen/muenchen-aktuell/isar-amper-klinikum-patientin-toetet-patientin-80259736.bildMobile.html?wtmc=twttr.shr
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Frollein_VogelV/status/1531899032196497408